05 April 2021

545 46 18

"Students don't run!"

The shriek and laughter of toddlers was heard all throughout the kindergarten. Fluke had a big smile on his face when he entered his alma mater with a piece of card on between his fingers.

It was recess time and he cant help but made a detour to their usual spot wherever it was their recess time before.

Finding the usual bench, painted new but now with an additional stone table to accompany it. Some children are seen having their lunch on it.

The playground was a bit bigger than before, and the trees that they planted probably have been moved and placed all around the school.

Deciding he didn't have much time, he returned his course to the teacher's lounge where he's sure he'll meet his target.

Sure enough, he can see her. Talking to the other teacher. She looks good, solder but still the beautiful woman he's known.

"Afternoon." He greeted, softly.

The woman, as well as the others in the room turned to look at him. "Teacher Pu." He added, smiling brightly.

"Fluke? Fluke Natouch?"

Fluke nodded his head, entering the room with a wai to everybody inside.

"Look at you! My little Fluke is all grown up now. But I recognize that face anywhere. Especially that smile." Teacher Pu said fondly, tapping on Fluke's cheeks lightly.

"You look good Teacher Pu." The male said, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh shush." She pulled her former student to sit on one of the couches, still holding on to him."Now what do I owe this visit for?"

Fluke smiled and gave her the card in his arms. Teacher Pu gasp, taking the card, reading it.

"Is this for real?"

Fluke nodded. Teacher Pu's smiles widen as she reads the writing further.

"I can't believe it. My two favourite students. Don't tell that to anybody." She whispered the last sentence with a slight grin.

"Is he here?"

Just as soon as she asked that, another figure appeared from the entrance of the teachers lounge.


"Ohm Thitiwat!"

"Teacher Pu." The tall male greeted.

"Oh my, oh my! Look how good you've grown! Both of you! And you're getting married!" Fluke and Ohm giggled at their former teacher.

Fluke stood up, standing beside his fiancé. "It would be our honour if you could come Teacher Pu."

"Of course I will. Don't worry about it."

"Thank you Teacher Pu. We'll wait for you." Ohm said, smiling charmingly.

If she wasn't married herself, thank goodness she did, or she thinks she'll die alone, she would've gone after Ohm herself.

"Teacher Pu, stop ogling on P'Ohm please."

Ohm and Teacher Pu both chuckled at the whiny tone Fluke was emitting.

Ohm pulled his fiancé closer by his waist and softly peck on his head.

"Oh stop it you two! You're all grown up but never stop making me jealous."


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