29 June 2021

398 44 10

A Drabble

Fluke woke up with a start.

He looked at the clock on his bedside table and noted that it was already 20 minutes past 1 in the morning.

Hastily, he moved from under the duvet and exited his bedroom, making a beeline towards the kitchen downstairs.

Nobody was awake. Good.

He rubs the sleepiness away and turns on the kitchen lights and opens the fridge.

The food for dinner was gone. He ate them all up.

So he had to make something fast because his tummy was growling.

Unfortunately for him, he won't have just snacks or instant food because he's craving for a well made tomato spaghetti.

Damn him and his craving.

"No, I don't mean that. I'm sorry."

He said to himself before taking out all the ingredients needed.

Thankfully for him, his house is fully stocked considering he himself is a chef. That however proved to be a hindrance for him that time because he is getting hungrier by the second but because he is one of the most well known 5 star chefs, he can't help it that he needs to make his food perfect.

And that means, making everything from scratch.

"Damn you overly perfectionist self." He muttered again.

He was in the middle of boiling the pasta and was just about to pour some oil into his pan when he heard a familiar footstep coming down from the stairs.


Fluke bit his lower lips and turned around just as the figure appeared from the dark into the brightly lit kitchen.

"Hi, P'Ohm. Did I wake you up?"

The taller male was trying to wipe away his sleepiness with the back of hand whilst walking groggily towards the other male.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Fluke chuckled, turning off the stove for the pan and walking towards the older male.

"Sorry, I got hungry."

"Is there no food left?"

"Nope. I ate it all, remember? Plus, I'm craving for some spaghetti."

Ohm pouted and pulled the smaller male towards him slowly, hands going to Fluke's waist and his growing tummy.

"Is the baby being difficult again?" He while caressing the baby bump softly.

Fluke smiled and nodded.

He's been having cravings in the middle of the night and thankfully it was all just normal food. It was still annoying though because he's getting less sleep because of it.

"Why didn't you wake me up before you got down? I could've helped." Ohm said, pouting.

"Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you. You're already so tired at the restaurant so—"

"Hey, it's my baby too. So whatever you need I can help. Okay?"

Oh, he forgot to mention, his husband is also a renowned chef.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But I'm going to start cooking the sauce now." And just when he said that, his tummy started grumbling.

Ohm chuckled, pecking on his lip.

"Alright, step aside mommy, let daddy finish cooking. Go and rest your cute little butt while I cook for us."

"Us? You're eating too?"

"Well of course. I'm not going to let my lovely little husband eat alone."

Fluke smiled and sat himself on one of the stools while his husband started taking over.

He may be tired because of the baby, but having Ohm as his amazing husband who's been there throughout his 7 months of pregnancy was all worth it.

"We can't wait to meet you little bun."


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