12 January 2021

742 37 11

"Phi.. Please! I don't want to go!"

"You're going."




"Fluke Natouch."


He smirks. He knows his nong will never say no once he says his name. Not with those serious tones. Plus, he'd plan for this for a week! Nothing should go wrong and not a certain cousin of his can ruin this.

He stormed his way to his room. A pout plastered on his face. A loud thud on the door then he throws himself to his bed.

"What's wrong Fluke?" Earth asks looking at his twin brother.

"P'Boun's making me go on a date. AGAIN!" He replies pouting even more. Seriously. This had been his fifth time dating with the person that his Phi decided for him and they're all a failure!

"Earth!! I don't want to go!!" Fluke whined, kicking his feet like a little boy who lost his candy.

"Sorry Fluke. Can't help you," Earth said looking at his book.

"Au! Why? You're my twin!" He shouts standing up.

"Tell that to anybody. We don't look the same," Earth replied, still not looking at him.

"Pfft! Fine!" Fluke said leaving the room making his way to the living room again.

"Ready Fluke?" Boun asked, smiling. If he didn't know Boun better, he'll think that's a smile. But, unfortunately for him, he does know Boun better. So that's not a smile, that's a smirk.

"You can't call me that again after this fail date!" Fluke exclaimed, putting his shoes on.

"Oh, you'll be hearing that name from me forever." Boun said, still smiling. Seconds later, they hear honking from outside their house. "That's your date!" Boun said, clapping his hands in glee. Fluke just rolled his eyes and then made his way to open the door.

"Hi," A guy said smiling. He looks fine. With his blue wife-beater and a white jacket and a plain jean. Boun's smile got wider as he thinks that his choice this time is going to make it. Fluke on the other hand just snorts and rolls his eyes for god who knows how many times that day.

"Hye," Boun replied. "Fluke, this is Ohm. He's your date," Boun said dragging Ohm inside their house.

"I can see that Phi," Fluke said plainly. Boun decided to have some 'getting to know' moment before letting the boys have their date, much to Fluke's annoyance.

"So, Ohm, this is Fluke Natouch. My cousin. I'm sure you know him already right?" Boun said, starting the conversation after taking their seats. Ohm nods and smiles at both of them.

"Hi, I'm Ohm," He said, still smiling.

'Geez, why'd he keep smiling?' Fluke said to himself then he snorts. "I know that," He replied plainly.

"Fluke, could you throw the plain look and tune and be a little amazed with your date here?" Boun said feeling a little annoyed at his cousin for not putting a good act.

"Why should I? He looks usual," Fluke replied, making Boun frown and Ohm, well, he just... smiled.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Boun said, rolling his eyes then all of a sudden, he stood up then dragged Ohm to the kitchen. Fluke, not minding any of it just sit there.

"Hey! I'm counting on you here. Please make Fluke fall in love with you. It's my last chance. I really want to see him happy, and I hope you'll be the one. So please! Please! Please Ohm!" Boun said, more like whispering to Ohm so that Fluke wouldn't hear him.

OhmFluke A DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon