08 February 2021

447 39 19

Before Teacher Pu started the alphabet lesson today, her eyes stops at the tallest student in her class.

'Wonder what his word is today.'

Ohm was focusing on colouring the book while occasionally helping the smaller boy beside him. Okay, not that much as helping as he was ogling on Fluke.

Nothing new there.

Ohm had been instantly smitten when Fluke came into their class at the beginning of the year.

He was registered to officially join the 6 years old student during the second week of school.

And the moment Ohm's and Fluke's eyes met, it was as if Teacher Pu herself could see and feel the zing.

It was cute and at the same time enchanting.

Almost every teacher knows the two that are always glued to the hips.

"Okay class, it's the alphabet time!" Almost instantly, Ohm stops colouring and a big smile appear on his face.

Fluke giggles. "Ohmmy likes the alphabet." He cutely said.

"Of course! It's fun!" Ohm exclaimed excitedly. The two boys giggled at each other.

"Noo like all the words Ohmmy said before." Fluke said with a blush, knowing that Ohm will always include his name in his sentences.

"Good, cause they're all for Noo."

Teacher Pu then started the lesson. First writing some words from the letter C on the white board and beginning the usual lesson.

Asking the students one by one for a word and a sentence.

Like yesterday, Ohm volunteered to go first.

"D, devoted. I would be a very devoted husband to Fluke when we got married later." The answer once again made a Teacher Pu speechless.

"Ohmmy, what does devoted mean?" Fluke asked, as the other students was also wondering the same.

Ohm's choice of words are getting more and more complicated.

"Daddy Dean said it means 'loyal'." Ohm answered proudly.

Fluke giggled again. "Noo will be a devoted husband to Ohmmy too!"

"O—Okay children, let's proceed. Fluke, you can go next."

Fluke nodded and stood up. Ohm didn't need to but he still pushed the smaller boy's chair for him when he stood up.

"Daddy. Fluke loves Daddy Pete so much." Ohm smile and clapped his hands.

Teacher Pu smiles. "Thank you Fluke."

And the class proceeds.


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