19 June 2021

389 40 16

A Continuation from 18/6/2021

"So you didn't borrow the book from the library?"

"I didn't."

Fluke bit his lips.

Somehow it was just the two of them being left alone. Ohm's friends left them after they cleared the misunderstanding. Earth used Ohm's library card to borrow books since his card was already barred from the library.

Fluke told him to return the book and confess the truth of what he did. Earth was fast to nod and left the premises with his belongings, presumably to the library.

After Earth was gone, Fluke was left there standing awkwardly in front of a bunch of guys. However, they started leaving one by one, each with lame excuses, leaving him and Ohm alone.

"I-I shou—"

"Don't you want to sit with me?" Ohm suddenly said when Fluke was about to turn around and leave.


"I mean, you barge in on us and now my friends left me so I'm forced to eat alone, which I hate. But since you're here, you can sit with me instead."

Fluke looked at the male who was looking at him and at the available seats before slowly sitting down.


Ohm nodded and continued to munch on his fries.

And now here they are.

"I-I'm sorry about earlier." Fluke said.

"It's okay. I assume you really wanted to read that book." Ohm replied, wiping the corner of his lips with the napkins.

"I do! Yes. I've just gotten into the world of Harry Potter and once I started reading, I just can't stop." The smaller male was beginning to get excited.

Ohm on the other hand chuckled as the male in front of him gets worked up with the story of his book. He didn't interfere with what he was saying and just smiled and nodded occasionally at him.

At the end of the day, both male went out of the food chain with a pairing smile and a newly added number into their contacts.

A month later.

"So, are you going out again?" Boun asked, turning on his chair to look at his roommate who was fixing his hair on the full length mirror.

"Yup." Fluke replied with a pop of the P.

"Your boyfriend picking you up?"

"P'Boun! He's not my boyfriend!" Fluke stomped his feet with a pout.

Boun snorted. "Yeah right."

"It's true!"

"Sure, sure. So your not boyfriend is picking you up?" He moved his fingers the not boyfriend with the quote unquote gesture. Fluke rolled his eyes at the older male.

"He is, yes. He'll be here in a few minutes." Not even a few seconds passed from this, the door to their room was knocked.

Fluke jumped to the door and opened it to welcome his guest, Ohm.


"Hey. Wanna come in first?" Fluke asked as he opened the door wider for the taller male.

"Sure. Hey P'Boun." He greeted the older male once he was inside the room.

"Hi. So your small boyfriend here is grumpy that you haven't asked him out officially yet so I suggest you go out and sweep him out of his feet and just kiss already, okay?"

Long story short, Ohm and Fluke basically got together all by the help of their friends because they are just too dumb to make a move themselves.


A/N : Sorry guys. This sucks. I guess towards the end I was suddenly blocked that I ended it abruptly but maybe someday in the future I will rewrite this coz I wanted to make this something else but IDK why today I'm just feeling bleh

OhmFluke A DayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang