03 January 2021

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I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater

"Are you sure you're okay? I can just go back and take my jacket."

"Nah, I'm wearing long sleeves anyways."

You said it looked better on me than it did you

"Plus, you look cute wearing bigger clothes."

Only if you knew how much I liked you

If only you didn't turn away, you would've seen the blush coming to my face.

We were with our group of friends having a camp out by the woods. We weren't expecting it to rain but it did, albeit not that much. But the wind was blowing, creating a much colder atmosphere.

I would've never agreed to joining since I was not particularly fond of being outside but, it's all because of you.

But I watch your eyes as she walks by

We didn't know there were going to be anybody else camping but there were. Just two miles away from us, another group of friends was also setting up their tent.

One particular person catching the attention of us.

Yours specifically.

What a sight for sore eyes

The person was small. Smaller than the other within the group. Even from afar I could tell how bright the smile was on the person's face.

The boisterous laugh as they were playing with each other.

Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized while I die

I find myself looking at you, who still can't tore you eyes away from the other.

Why have you never looked at me that way?

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty

The person was obviously beautiful, base on their interaction I could tell the personality match the appearance. How couldn't you fall?

I know I would, if i haven't already with you.

You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester

It been a month of you knowing the person. We're not like how we used to be. You spent more time with the other person.

I know you tried your hardest to be with me but I wouldn't let myself be the person to hinder you from you happiness.

Watching you smile so brightly as you compliment how your sweater, the one I used to wear when we were camping, on the other person was worth it.

As long as you were happy, even if it wasn't with me, made me happy.

But you like her better
Wish I were Heather

Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder

It was inevitable, I knew the day would come that you would introduce the other person formally to me.

I came earlier by a few minutes and before walking closer to the two figures I could see how you were smiling sweetly, as does the other to you.

You leaned forward and claimed the lips softly. I know I was killing myself slowly but somehow I was entranced by the sight of you two kissing each other.

But how could I hate her, she's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she walks by

I know you were perfect for each other. As much as I tell myself to hate the other for taking you away from me, I couldn't.

The other was perfect.

Beautiful, kindhearted and most importantly, loves you as much as I do.

Probably even more.

"I love you P'Ohm."

I heard the other said to which you smiles.

But you like her better

"I love you too..."

Wish I were



A/N : This is a happy ending guys. I've explained this when I posted it on Twitter. Song lyrics are us. Heather is Fluke. Thus the end with Wish I were "...Fluke.".  Literally mean, I wish I was Fluke.

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