13 July 2021

400 39 9

Ohm was only 9 years old when he laid his eyes on the love of his life.

The other person was on the other side of the hall, holding a small pillow which was used to place the ring. He was the ring bearer for the wedding.

Ohm was standing beside the groom, being one of the groomsmen. He made his father promise that he'll be one of the groomsmen in the wedding and so here he is.

He was dressed in his black suit, looking as handsome as ever when the ring bearer walked up the aisle with the biggest smile. Ohm was immediately smitten.

All through the vow, Ohm's eyes were glued to the small boy who was standing on the bride's side. Their eyes met for a few seconds but the other seemed to simply enjoy the wedding.

It was when the bride and groom had already said their vows, kissed and were to take a picture together that he finally found out who the other kid was.

"Ohm, he is going to be your brother from now on. His name is Fluke." And just like that, his dream of marrying the beautiful boy was crushed.

...until he learns that he can actually marry his step brother because they're not blood related but it was a little bit too late.

"Boys, we have an announcement." His father said one day when the family of four was having their usual dinner.

2 pairs of eyes focus on the head of the family, curiosity in them. Fluke's mother who was sitting beside her husband smiles at him which somehow makes Ohm feel a little scared.

"We've found the perfect bride for you Fluke." Their father said, smiling excitedly.

"W-What?" Both male said, surprised.

"Who?" Instead of Fluke, it was him who was asking. His heart was beating so fast, it almost felt like it was about to jump out of his chest.

"Oh you know, her. Tian. She's always been close to you guys." Their mother replied now, spooning some rice to her husband's plate. "Alright, eat up. We'll talk more about this later."

Just like that, their parents return to eating. Ohm looked at his brother who had his eyes glued to his before turning to look at his plate.

Dinner that night was heavy for the two brothers.

Later that night, when their parents had already moved to their bedroom, Ohm made his way to Fluke's room.

Unsurprisingly, the room was unlocked.

"Fluke?" He softly greeted, opening the door. They've tried and given up on teaching Ohm to call Fluke as 'phi' since he's the older of the two of them, but since Ohm was a stubborn little mule, he never did. He insisted on calling him by his name.

Fluke was on his study table.

"Ohmmy." The smaller male said, smiling at his younger brother.

"Can I sleep here?" Fluke nodded, closing the book he was reading and getting on his bed. They've always been close since they were little. Ohm will sometimes sleep with him if he was stressed about something and Fluke may just know what the younger was thinking about that night that he came to his room.

Ohm quickly settles himself in Fluke's arms, resting his ear on the smaller male's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Are you okay?" Fluke asked, softly cuddling Ohm's head, running his fingers through the younger's hair.

Ohm shook his head, closing his eyes.

"What's wrong?" The older one asked again.

Ohm let out a small sigh before opening his mouth to answer. "I don't want you to be married. Not to P'Tian. Not to anybody." Unconsciously, a single tear made it out of Ohm, running through his cheek and landing on Fluke's chest which the older male noticed.

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