07 July 2021

397 43 22

A Continuation

"What? But I have work right now Earth.— Alright I'll see if I can ask."

Ohm, who was just lounging around on his seat, heard his friend Kao talking on the phone. Since he 's done his part of the work earlier, he doesn't really have anything to do for now.

"Everything good?" He asked as soon as Kao hung up the phone.

"Earth said Fluke's stuck in his campus since it's raining." Upon hearing the name of the person he's currently fancying, he quickly stood up with a smile.

"I can go and fetch him." He said almost excitedly.

Kao chuckled. "You sure?"

"Yeah, I don't have anything to do anyways. And I'm bored. I'd rather spend my time with him." Everybody knows that Ohm has it hots for the younger male, heck everybody knows they both liked each other but then again watching the two of them playing the push and pull game is kind of entertaining too.

"Okay, you know his campus right?"

"Of course." Ohm replied, taking his wallet, phone and car keys. Ready to exit his cubicle.

Kao sniggered. "Of course you do. I forgot you're a stalker."

"Shut up."

He remembers the first time he laid his eyes on one Fluke Natouch during Kao's birthday party a year ago. Knowing that he almost cancelled to go to the party that time makes him shudder. If Kao did not force him to come he would've missed the chance to meet the cutest little muffin.

He smiles remembering that moment.

"I'm not going to be long. 20 minutes and I'm out." Ohm said glaring at his best friend as he entered the club.

He really didn't want to come in the first place. Work was hard and he just came back from an outstation. He's already wished Kao for his birthday and told him he wanted to rest but of course Kao being the bitch that he is, no thank you to his boyfriend Earth who's such an influence on him. So here he is, tired as hell in this damn club.

"Yeah, yeah." Kao sniggered, looking around to look for his boyfriend.

"P'Kao! I'm here!" The music was loud as hell but how did they manage to hear Earth's voice?

'There goes my ears.' Ohm groaned as they made their way towards the end of the club where Earth was waving his hand excitedly at them. Kao quickly makes a beeline to Earth, leaving Ohm behind him. Ohm rolled his eyes and walked towards them.

"Hi P'Ohm~" Earth greeted him. Ohm smiles and returns the greeting as politely as he can.

"Where's Fluke?" Kao asked as they settled themselves in their seats.

"Fluke?" Ohm asked. He thought it was going to be just the three of them.

"Yes Phi. My best friend." Earth replied to him. "He went to the washroom." He said to Kao.

"I've ordered your drinks phi." The youngest of them said, gesturing towards the two glasses. Ohm eyes the other glass which was obviously only coke.

"I don't want to get drunk tonight, I'm gonna go and get a coke." Ohm said before standing up and going to the bar.

When he comes back around 5 minutes later he can see Kao and Earth eating each other's face and another presence who's has his back on him.

From behind he can see that the other person is small, maybe even smaller than Earth.

'Great, another Earth. I don't know if I can handle another Earth right now.'

However, the moment he finally meets eyes with the other occupant of their table, he can feel his heart skipping a beat.

The person in front of him has the face of an angel. So small, but very very beautiful. He was looking at him with a smile and Ohm had to hold on to the table before his feet failed him.

The smile was breathtaking.

His swinging didn't go unnoticed however when Kao finally let go of Earth's lips and held onto his arm. "Yo, bro, you okay?" Kao said, pulling him to sit. Ohm never left his gaze from the male sitting in front of him and it seemed like the other male was also looking at him, albeit worriedly.

'"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Hi, I'm Ohm, you're Fluke, right?" He said, extending his arm for a handshake.

Fluke widened his eyes, looking at his best friend and Kao before reaching for the extended arm with his own. "Yeah."

At the end of the night, he didn't stay only for 20 minutes. When they finally exited the club, around 2 in the morning, Kao was giving him the side eye as he was giddily smiling at the smaller male beside him.

But did he care? No, of course not.

When he arrived near Fluke's campus, he could see the smaller male running towards one of the cafes and with a serve he parked his car and went inside the cafe, without the other even realizing it.

He chuckled when he saw Fluke fiddling on his bag when he couldn't find his wallet. Being the prince charming that he is, of course he steps up and saves the day.

"So, do you have anything to do after this?" He asked the smaller male.

Fluke shakes his head, cupping his hot chocolate. He must've been shivering. Ohm almost wants to move closer to him and pull him into his hug but with a lot of control, he manages to hold himself from scaring the other.

Somehow, in his heart he knew Fluke wouldn't be scared though.

"What do you say if I want to take you out for dinner tonight?"

Fluke widened his eyes when Ohm asked him out. After all the flirting they did, Ohm finally, officially, asked him out. For real. Since his fingers are still cold, he needed to keep them warm with the cup so he couldn't text panic to his best friend.

'Shit! What should I say?'

"That should be fun." He replied, after calming himself. Relax Fluke, it's just dinner.

Ohm smile. "Great, I'll drop you off now and pick you up at 7?"

"Sounds like a plan."

Both male smile at each other. Anticipating what the date will be like.

—To Be Continued—

A/N : Yeah, I don't know why I make a continuation when I wasn't even planning on it and now there's going to be a part 3. akjfhkjbas

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