08 May 2021

504 47 18

A Continuation

"What the fuck is this Fluke Natouch?!"




He stared at the cover of the magazine. It was a candid picture of him and his coach, holding hands. It was obviously taken back then when they went to exchange his skateboard.

The thing was, he didn't even remember it happening!

Fluke has the brain of an ant, so he's easily forgotten stuff.

"I can't let P'Kao see this! He'll think I'm not single anymore!"

"Pfft! Like he even cares."

Fluke pouted and glared at his friend. "Meanie. Can I sue this magazine?"

His friend purses his lips. "I guess you can."

"Then I shall sue this magazine!"

But he didn't. Instead, when he came to his practice the next day, Ohm was already waiting for him with the magazine on his hand and a worried look on his face.

"A-are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for this K'Fluke. I didn't know they were going to write a story about this." Ohm said, looking extra guilty which made Fluke feel bad.

"H-Hey, it's okay. We can just tell them that it's not true, right?" Ohm nodded his head.

"I'm just scared if your partner saw this and you'll get into a fight." He said which made Fluke blush.

"I-I don't have a partner. You don't have to worry about that." He muttered, looking down to his shoes, missing the smiling that appears on his coach's face at the declaration.

"You don't? That's great."


"Oh! Uh... Nothing, let's get ready then."

— — —

"Could you stop calling me K'Fluke? I mean, we're almost the same age, I assume." Fluke said one day when they just finished another day of training.

He was getting better day by day and he's not afraid to say that he's even eager to come to practice each day.

Somehow, his first reason, Kao, was forgotten. He didn't forget about him completely, he still swooned whenever he thought about the older male and whenever he got to see him but he was starting to enjoy skateboarding himself.

"Well, you're right. You're actually a year older than me. Should I start calling you Phi then?" Ohm asked, smiling as Fluke scrunched his nose. Knowing that he didn't like the idea of being called Phi.

"No, that makes me more uncomfortable knowing that you're my coach is a foot taller than me and I'm the phi? No thank you."

Ohm laughed. "Alright then, I'll just call your name, but in exchange, you can't call me coach too. Call me by my name too, okay Fluke?"

Fluke bit his lower lips. "But it's weird if I call you by your name during training. The others will look at me weird."

Ohm lean against the locker. "Alright, first, stop biting your lips—" He uses his finger to pull Fluke's lower lips which made the smaller male to blush. "—and fine, you can call me coach but only when we're training. Outside of it, you call me Ohm, deal?"




The taller male smiles. "Good. Now let's have something to eat. You don't have any plan, do you?" Fluke shakes his head. "Great, my treat. Let's go."

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