02 February 2021

567 42 8

Fluke was walking around the park, trying to get some air from the stressful life he's facing right now.

He just found out that his tenant has raise his rent cost and him only being a student working part time at a small convenience store won't be able to pay for it.

Furthermore, he had just been laid off of said store because of the current economic situation.

It was unfortunate but he understood. So now, he's jobless, about to be homeless and what the fuck is he supposed to do?

Thankfully he was in a semester break so that's one less thing to think about.

It was a little bit past 12 midnight and he was on top of the slide in the park near his apartment when something on the bench across of him caught his sight.

He didn't realise it before because his gaze was only on the sky. However now, he can clearly see something shiny.

Sliding down the slide, he made the short walk towards the bench only to found a cellphone.

"That's weird." He had been on the park for the past 2 hours and he was pretty sure nobody was there other than him.

Has the phone been there this whole time?

He picked up the gadget. "Wow, it's the latest design. Who in the right mind will leave this?"

Fortunately, the phone wasn't locked. However, it was empty. There's not applications installed except for one Messenger App that he had never seen before.

He was about to click on it when a sudden thunder jolts him.

"Damn it, it's going to rain. I better get going." Pocketing the device, he ran to his apartment.

A week later, with almost all of his belonging in his hands, Fluke once again made his way to the park.

Yes, he's officially homeless. He had tried begging but again, he understood why he needed to leave.

His tenant was a good owner but this just can't be avoided. He had thought of asking his old orphanage if he could stay there but quickly dismiss the thought as he knows how they're also limited in space.

"Now what do I do?" The small male plopped himself on one of the benches with a sigh.

Suddenly, he felt vibration on his pants. He's pretty sure his phone is not on silent and he rarely put in on vibration as it irritates him.

He pull out the device, completely forgetting about the phone he found in the same park a week ago.

"Oh, somebody's calling it."

He contemplate on answering it. Nobody had ever called or even message the phone for the whole week. His finger hovered above the answer button.


"Hi! Oh thank god somebody found it!"

"Err... Are you the owner of this phone?"

"Yes! Thank you for keeping it with you."

"I-It's not a problem. But, it's been a week."

"Ah, yes. You see, I'm actually not in Bangkok right now. I'm not even in Thailand actually. And I was super busy the past week that I only got the time to look for my phone now."

Fluke nodded. "I-I mean, I understand."

The person on the other line chuckled. "Did you just nod your head?"

Which brought a blush on Fluke's face.

"Cute. Anyways, would you be a dear and keep the phone with you until I arrive at Bangkok? My flight is leaving in another hour so it shouldn't be too long now."

"Ah, um... Is there nobody I can give the phone right now?"

The person on the other line went silent for a few moments. "Ah, actually there is! Do you know the apartment building nearby the park where you found the phone?"

Once again the petite male nodded his head. "I assume you just nodded again." Another chuckled. "Anyways, my friend is staying there so if you could just hand the phone over to him that would be great too."

"W-wait! You're talking about the Pai Swa Apartment right?

"Ah, no. It's the Kailoon Apartment."

Of course it the rich apartment building. Why would a friend of the owner of the latest design phone be living in the same apartment as I used to?

After acquiring the house number, he made his to the apartment building which is located 3 blocks away from his old apartment. Dragging his not so heavy suitcase.

"Wow, this is so different than my old ones." There's an air conditioned lobby and an elevator.

"Thank God!" He smiles he pushed on the button.

Once inside, thankfully it's empty, he pushes the button for the highest floor, the 31 floor.

"Wow, the view must be fantastic." ...in comparison to my fantastic view of the brick wall.

"Number 26. Ah.. here it is." He put down his luggage and fixes his rugged outfit.

He raised his hand into a fist, ready to knock on the door when it opened from the inside.

"...What do you mean someone's sending it to my house? Are you out of y— Oh."

The person, a tall, handsome, perfectly sculpted fine man come into his view.

'Holy shit! Talk about PERFECTION!'



"I—I'm here to give this phone?" Fluke said and taking out the phone from his back pocket.

"Oh, yeah. Earth just told me. How could he forgot about it?" The person said in an irritated tone. "Thank you for picking it up."

"It's not a problem.Hehehe.." The person took the phone from his hand. "Alright then, goodbye!" Wanting to quickly leave, he dragged his bags only to be stopped by the man.


'Damn it.' He stops and prepares a smile before turning around. "Yes?"

"Where are you going?"

Fluke didn't answer. He, himself didn't know the answer to that question. Where is he going?

Pouting, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

Ohm was surprised when the small male in front of him started wailing. "H-Hye, don't cry." He scrambled towards the other, who had shrugged off his bags into the floor.

He didn't know what to do, but somehow his body moved on its own, pulling the boy into his embrace.

"Shh... There, there.. Everything's okay." He tried to soothe him. Caressing his head hesitantly.

He wasn't used to this.

Ohm Thitiwat is one of the most successful bachelor of the decade. He is a young CEO of his family's company.

Being so successful, he didn't have time for other things except for work, work and more work.

His emotions are set to prim and proper.

So, when a boy who was supposed to be delivering his friend's belonging just started crying, he became confuse.

He should've just let the boy left but, seeing as he's carrying a couple of big bags, his mouth started talking before he can even stop himself.

His hands keep patting the male's head.

"No, it's not. I'm homeless now. I don't know where to go!" The boy wailed against his chest.

Something tugged in the young CEO's heart.

And once again, before he can stop himself, his mouth sputtered words that he himself found surprising.

"You can live with me."

—To be continued...—

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