07 June 2021

472 43 20


Pharm was in the kitchen, preparing for dinner. The whole family is coming tonight to celebrate Team's return and as usual, he's the host because Team said he misses Pharm's cooking and honestly, it was actually he's the only one who can cook.

But he was more than happy to be the host because as much as he loves his friend, he enjoys cooking more. Don't tell that to Team.

Plus, it was a weekend so his husband is home to help him take care of the kids so he didn't have to struggle with juggling two things. Not that Dean will ever let him do all the job alone but Pharm likes to think of himself as an independent person.

Unless Dean is there with him then yes, he'll depend on his husband.

He was making the dessert, the main course is simmering and all he needs to do is to finish this dessert before the guest comes in an hour. He was mixing some water into his flour. The sound of Gaem and Gon in the living room playing together can be heard when Dean came into the kitchen.

"Pharm, is everything okay?" His husband asked.

Pharm looked up from the bowl and smiled at the taller male. "Everything is okay P'Dean".

"You don't need any help?"

Pharm shakes his head. Dean however walks closer towards his small husband and wraps his arms around him from behind.

"P'Dean~" Pharm whined but didn't even try to push away the older male who tightened his hold on Pharm's small waist.

Dean smiles, snuggling towards Pharm's neck. "I miss you."

"Silly, P'Dean. I'm just here."

"You know I miss you even when we're away for a second." Pharm giggles, his hands continue to knead the dough.

"I know."

Dean replied with a peck to those chubby cheeks. "It feels like forever since the gang came together." He said.

"Yeah." Pharm replied. "I hope Team and P'Win can get back together now that Team is coming back." He added.

Dean and Pharm both let out a small sigh at the thought of their friends who unfortunately had to separate nearly 3 years ago before Team moved to the USA.

"Yeah. But Win said they still keep in touch, so technically they never separated. But both are too egoist to say they're still in a relationship."

Pharm smile. "I guess they're just afraid that they won't be committed in their relationship since they'll be so far away from each other. But they should've known that their love is too strong for that to happen."

Dean nodded his head. He'll always wish the best for his two friends. "True, but our love is stronger." He added with a grin. Pharm chuckled and shook his head.

The two of them stayed silent, with Oharm still entrapped in Dean's arms.

When Pharm realises something. The house was quite, except for the sound of his dish simmering, there was nothing.



"What were Gaem and Gon doing before you left them?" He asked, shia hands stopped kneading the dough.

Dean loosen his hold on his husband and straighten himself up. "They were painting on their canvas."

"Why are they so quiet now?"


The husbands looked at each other before rushing towards the living room.

Pharm gasp at the walls which had now been decorated with paintings and handprints of different colours scattered around.

Gaem and Gon swiftly turned their heads at the sound and smiled innocently.

"Papa! Daddy! Look! We made the wall pretty!"


OhmFluke A DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora