11 June 2021

446 47 19

Everybody knows that Fluke is a clumsy person. So when he decided to live alone, his friends and family were worried. But deciding it was time for him to be independent, they let him be.

But of course, he's got a friend staying with him. His dog Tawan. Tawan may be small but he barks loudly to strangers and that was enough to help his parents be at ease knowing that Tawan is able to take care of him.

And when we say clumsy, Fluke is the epitome of clumsy. He's left his house unlocked a couple of times. Thankfully, the apartment he's living in is quite secure with security and only the attendant living there can access the elevator.

However, one night, when he was being his usual clumsy self, he forgot to lock the door when to sleep. And he's one heavy sleeper.

So it came as more than a surprise when the next morning he woke up with someone on his bed.

"Ahh!! Who are you?!" He shouted at the person who was laying face down on the right side of his bed. Thankfully he's always sleeping at the left side of the bed and it's a queen size bed.

"You're too loud." Said the unknown person who turned his face to the other side.

Fluke scrambled out of the bed, looking around his bedroom and noticing a ball of brown fur sleeping beside the stranger.

"Tawan you traitor! What are you doing sleeping beside him?!"

Tawan was in fact snuggling closer towards the unknown man, sleeping peacefully.

Fluke took about 2 hours to wake the obviously drunk male and get him out of his bed, and into the living room.

As pissed off as he is, he's not going to let the man out in his situation. Plus, he must've lived here too since he can get to his unit. So when the man was seated on his couch, grabbing his head and groaning, Fluke was kind enough to make him tea.

He didn't know what drink helps with hangovers since he's never drank before so this dude will just have to drink what he has.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. Sitting on the other couch on the other side of the living room.

The male opened his eyes and looked around. "I'm sorry, I must've been so drunk I didn't realise I got into the wrong unit." He said, in a hoarse voice. Fluke helped him to take the glass into his hands. That's when Tawan makes his way to climb on top of the strangers laps and settles himself properly till he finds a comfortable position.

"Oh, sorry about that. Come here Tawan." Fluke said, picking up the tiny pup and sitting back on his previous seat only to have Tawan jumping out of his arms and into the man's laps again.

However the male merely chuckled and proceeded to pat Tawan softly. "He's cute."

Fluke watched the scene with awe. "This is so weird, he usually barks at strangers. But now he's cuddling with you."

"Awww... I'm honoured." The man said, putting down the glass. "I'm really sorry about this." He said again, looking at Fluke apologetically. Fluke had to swallow the lump on his throat now that he's got a better view of the male.

"I-It's okay." He cleared his throat. "Nothing happened, right?"

"Right. I'm Ohm by the way."

Fluke nodded before introducing himself. "Where do you live anyway?"

"Unit 10."

"No wonder, that's across from mine."

Both male nodded their heads. "Well, I think I better go now, I've extended my stay. I'm really sorry again." Ohm said standing up, with some difficulty due to his headache.

"Are you sure? You can barely stand up." Fluke rushed towards the taller male and helped him to stand properly, hands on his waist.

Ohm looked at the owner of the unit he intruded and smiled. He's cute.

"Maybe you can help me walk to my unit?" Really he didn't need help because it only hurt when he tried to stand up but after that he was good. But an extra minute being this close to Fluke wouldn't hurt. And he smells nice. If he could, he would just close his eyes and sniff the smell with bliss.

"Okay." Fluke steadied himself and slowly, Ohm tried to wobble as much as he could to prologues the 10 steps walk, they made it to the unit across from him, with Tawan following them from behind.

"We're here." Said the smaller male, finally letting go of him.

"Yeah, thank you."

They exchanged smile before Fluke finally turned to walk into his unit again only to be stopped by the other with the call of his name.



"Can I, maybe, play with Tawan sometimes? I-I mean if you don't mind." Ohm asked, looking at the male expectantly.

Fluke looked at his dog who's standing  beside him but was looking at Ohm with his tail waving around. "Sure, he seems to like you."


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