17 April 2021

529 48 18

A Continuation

Fluke was swinging alone by the swings. It was early afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, his house, the playhouse, was hot inside so he didn't really have a choice but to be outside.

He was humming to himself when suddenly he heard somebody grumbling. He turned around only to find another boy, maybe his age, or bigger, the boy was tall, kicking on the small rocks by the see-saw.

The boy then plopped himself roughly by one of the benches. Fluke continued his swinging, afraid to bother the grumpy male.

Until 20 minutes later.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as he approached the unmoving stranger slowly. He had been keeping an eye on the boy up until the moment he stood up from his swing and took a step towards the boy.

Surprisingly, the boy didn't shoo him away like he expected him to do. Most people do.

The boy instead turned his head to look at him before shaking his head. "I ran away from home."

Fluke gasped and took a seat beside him.


"My dad promised to go somewhere with me but he bailed out."

Fluke tilts his head, confused. "What does that mean?"

The boy let out a sigh, and Fluke was getting ready to be scolded, because the people he talks to tend to suddenly be mad at him and sometimes hit him, so he kind of knows what to expect. But it still didn't stop him from wanting to talk to someone.

Days being with himself could only drive him by the edge little by little. So he would always try his best to have someone to talk to, even if it will end up with him being hurt or ignored. Little interactions, human interactions with him still helps.

The boy turned to look at him again. "He promised me something but didn't do it."

"Oh." He nodded his head. "That's bad." He said.

"No shit."

"Hey! That's a mean word." He exclaimed with a pout. The short moment he was with the orphanage taught him some things and he still knows what's wrong and right, for most things.

The boy snorted. "What are you? 5?"

"I'm 10!" He answered with a big smile, his hands up, showing his fingers to the tall boy.

The boy then tsk. "Go home."

"This is my home. There—" He pointed to the yellow playhouse. "—That's my house."

Ohm looked at the playhouse the kid pointed at and frowned. "Don't play around kid. Go home."

Fluke pouted. "...Fine." He stood up and made his way to the playhouse. "It's hot in here. I guess I'll wait till he's gone then I'll go out again."

Ohm frowned when the small boy really went inside the playhouse. He stood up from the bench and approached it.

"What the fuck are you doing there? I said go home."

"This is my house! But it was hot, it's always hot during this time of the day so I always sit outside." Fluke answered, pouting.

Ohm looked inside the playhouse. There were flat out boxes, some thorn out shirts, the wall was scribbled, and there was writing, the letters were all over the place but he's pretty sure it's spelled as Fluke's Home.

"This really is your house." He muttered to himself. But of course Fluke heard him.The playhouse was small.

"Yes!" He smiles. "Can I go outside now? It's too hot." He asked.

OhmFluke A DayWhere stories live. Discover now