04 March 2021

587 36 22

KimxSun. After Fanmeet VTR.



Smells of medicine.

Kim blinks a few times to adjust his surroundings.

A hospital.

He's sure that he's in a hospital.

But why?

What happened?

His head is bandaged. His left leg was in a cast.He was struggling to get up, but once he moved the door to the room opened.

"Kim!" It was Tan. "You're awake! Thank God!" His coworker exclaimed.

"Tan, what happened?" He asked slowly. Laying back down on the bed.

"You don't remember?" The buffed man asked back, handing him a glass of water. Ohm took the glass and gulped on the drink. Suddenly his throat feels dry.

He gave the glass of water back to his coworker and tried to sort out his head.

Dark place. Ropes.

He was captured. Their previous catch. The goons got him from his house and beat him up, wanting them to release their gang leader that was already in the lock up.


Sun was captured too. They tied him up on the chair but they were beating Sun on his knees. Kim widened his eyes.

"Where's Sun?"

Tan pulled the chair closer before sitting on it.

"Tan, where's Sun? Is he okay? What happened??" Kim was beginning to sound aggravated.

The beeping on the machine showing how frustrated he was. "Calm down Kim."

"Argh!" The pain in his head was suddenly too overwhelming. He groans at the pain.

"Shit Kim! I told you to calm down!" Tan stood up and pushed on the red button on top of Kim's bed.

Soon some nurses and a doctor came rushing in.

Tan explained to them what happened and moved aside as they let them assess the situation.

When he saw that Kim injected something and that his friend was back to sleeping, he went ahead to wait outside of the room.

Moments later the doctor came out. "How's he doing?" He asked.

"The fact that he woke up is good news. As we said before, his head was hit pretty hard so it's normal for him to feel the pain. But don't worry, your friend is doing fine. We just put him back to sleep so he can rest a bit more." The doctor explained.

Tan smiled and nodded his head. "Thank you doctor."

— — —

"... I don't care! When you find a new clue you're supposed to follow through! They still have Sun goddamnit!"

The voice was faint but he heard it clearly. It was Tan. And he sounded angry.

"Damn it Aem! It's been 3 days since we got Kim, we need to get to Sun soon! He needs us to get him!"

Kim opened his eyes. He's heard enough. He needs to get up and help the team. "So they got Sun?" He asked.

Tan widened his eyes. "Fuck. I'm gonna go now, Kim is awake. Report to me once you get anything."

"They took Sun?" He repeated his question.

Tan let out a sigh, nodding his head.

"And it's been 3 days?" Again, another nod. "I need to get out of here. Sun needs me. We need to find him." And the tall detective was about to get out of his bed.

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