07 March 2021

574 44 10

Ohm woke up with a gasp. The back of his head throbbing.

"Dammit it hurts!" He groaned, as he held into his throbbing head.

"What the fuck is that idiot doing in the middle of the fucking night?!" He cursed.

"Once I meet you I will fucking kill you myself if you haven't fucking die!"

Who is he mad at, you ask?

His soulmate.

Who is his soulmate, you ask?

Well, he has no clue either.

All that he knows is that his soulmate is a clumsy ass who keeps on hurting himself.

How does he know?

The bruises all across his bodies are evidence.

It's weird how the soulmate thing works in this world, if either of the soulmates hurt themselves, the other half will be able to experience the same kind of pain.

That is until you finally meet with your soulmate and touch each other then your empathy will reduce, or even be gone.

Ohm sighs once he doesn't feel anymore pain.

Don't get him wrong, he's not a bad person.

It's just that he's been hurting himself, not literally, that he's worried for his soulmate.

If Ohm's pain is only 70% of the real pain, he wonders how much pain his soulmate is feeling.

He's really worried.

He even vows to always be there for his soulmate and watch their every step.

Not wanting his soulmate to be in pain anymore.

"I'm sorry soulmate, I'm just really sleepy and you hurt yourself pretty bad. I'm not mad at you, just, take a rest will you? It's midnight here, I need some sleep too." He muttered to himself.

Hoping that his apologies are accepted, albeit his soulmate not even knowing that he was mad in the first place.

Few hours later, he woke up again.

For a different kind of pain.

It was his heart this time.

It feels like somebody was twisting it, and before he knew it, his eyes were watering.

He sat up on his bed, palming on his chest.

"I—It hurts." He gasped. "A—Are you okay?"

He closed his eyes as the tears began pouring down. The pain in his heart is not reducing.

"Please be okay."

"Help me. Please! It hurts so much!"

Ohm's eyes widened. He heard that!

He heard a voice in his head!

"Soulmate!" He shouted before his consciousness left him.

— — —

"That's weird. I've never known anybody who can hear their soulmate's voice. Are you sure it's your soulmate?"

Ohm nodded his head.

"I know it's him. Even though I've never heard his voice, I know it's my soulmate." He replied confidently.


Another nod. The book store owner, P'Tom nods his head.

Ohm frequented the book store and has befriended the owner as time goes by. They both shared the same love towards books and also the soulmates existence.

OhmFluke A DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora