14 June 2021

463 47 23

Ohm checked himself in the mirror before he finally exited the car and walked towards the front door.

With a nod, he rang the doorbell and waited for it to open.

"Ohmmy~ You're here. Fluke! Ohm's here!" Ohm chuckled at the elderly woman who was quick to change her tone from soft to loud when speaking to him and when calling her only son.

"Coming!" He heard his lover shout back as he entered the house.

"Come on in dear, you know he's going to take a while. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll make you something to drink."

"Oh, there's no need for that aunty." Ohm said, smiling.

"Oh shush. Now sit." He watches as the woman leaves for the kitchen while he sits on the couch.

This wasn't his first time here, he's come plenty of time. His lover of 3 years now is an only child living with his mother who's a divorcee. But they were happy with just the two of them and Ohm was more than glad to be a part of it.

When she came back, he was quick to help her with the tray. They talked with each other for about 20 minutes before Fluke finally came down.

"I'm here." Said male as he ascended the stairs. Ohm stood up and looked at him with a smile, falling in love all over again.

Fluke is too gorgeous.

"Hi." He said once he stopped in front of the taller male.

"Hi."Ohm replied."

"How do I look?" Fluke asked, tucking his hair behind his ear. Smiling sweetly.

"Beautiful." He replied, which made the younger male to blush.

Him and Fluke knew each other through mutual friends. Ohm was 2 years older than the other. The first time they met each other was the time he fell in love.

"Ehem!" Both male smile at each other before turning to look at the woman.

"What took you so long, Natouch?" She asked. "You know it's bad to let our Ohmmy wait."

Fluke rolled his eyes at the way his mother addressed his boyfriend. "First of all, it's MY Ohmmy, and secondly, I need to look the best so P'Ohm won't be embarrassed."

"I will never be embarrassed by you sweetheart. You could wear a potato sack and I'll still flaunt you around." Ohm replied. Fluke chuckled at this boyfriend.

"See, thankfully you guys aren't late." Fluke's mother said, looking at the time. "Are you guys going to go now or will you be having dinner here?"

"Mom~ We're going to a party, why would we eat first?" Fluke whined. He knows his mother will try to keep Ohm in their house as long as she can.

He was more than happy that his mother loves and approves of Ohm but she can be overbearing with her affections and he didn't want Ohm to be suffocated.

"But since there's still time, why don't you guys just hang around first?" She added.

Ohm chuckled, pulling Fluke by his waist in order to calm him down before he could retort to his mother. "Actually, we need to go now since there's something I need to check at the event before it starts." He said.

"But I will bring him home before midnight, promise."

"Oh it's okay Ohmmy! If you took him to your house I wouldn't mind at all!"


— — —

"You ready?" Ohm asked once he parked his car in the basement.

"I guess." Fluke replied. Both male got down from the car and walked towards the main entrance of the hotel before intertwining their fingers together.

"Are you sure I look okay P'Ohm?"

"You do baby, don't worry about it okay? For all I know, you're the prettiest here tonight." Ohm replied before pinching the chubby cheeks which made the smaller male chuckle.

He's been feeling nervous since 2 weeks ago when Ohm told him that his company will be having a party and Ohm asked him to come as his plus one.

This will be the first time that Fluke will be introduced to Ohm's co-workers and since the older is coming up with a promotion, he's not planning to embarrass him or his boyfriend.

Once they entered the hall, Fluke was surprised to see that it was already full with people.

"P'Ohm, I thought the function didn't start until 30 more minutes?" He asked, looking around the hall which was full of very wealthy people.

"I thought so too."

The two male went around the hall and would stop occasionally whenever somebody wanted to talk to Ohm. Everybody was smitten by Fluke and Ohm was more than happy that they liked his partner.

"Oh, I want to introduce you to my boss." Ohm said once they finished eating. Fluke wiped his lips and nodded his head as Ohm took his arms and pulled him up from his seat.

"K'Ohm!" Their steps were halted by the sudden call and both of them stopped and turned around. Fluke was stunned at the male in front of them and the male was clearly as surprised as he was.


Ohm looked at the two of them in confusion. They know each other? Past lovers? But Fluke said I was his first boyfriend.

"P'Kao." Phi?

Kao looked at the intertwined hands and smiles. "K'Ohm, is this your partner that I always heard of?" He asked, extending his hand for a handshake which Ohm took.

"Yes, sir. This is Fluke, which you obviously know."

Kao chuckled. "Fluke, you didn't tell him?"

"Tell me?" Ohm was getting restless. What is Fluke hiding from him?

Fluke rolled his eyes at Kao before smiling at the confused and scared look his boyfriend was sporting. "P'Ohm, relax. He's my brother. Well, half brother."


"Yup." Fluke answered. "Be right back, I'll bring Dad here." Kao said, leaving the two of them.

Ohm widened his eyes at the retreating figure. "W-Wait. Y-Your brother is K'Kao Noppakao?" Once again, Fluke nodded his head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, I don't think it's important. Why? Wait, is he your boss?" Fluke asked, pursing his lips. If that's the case then he understood why Ohm looks even more restless now than before.

However, Ohm shook his head. "No, he's not." He replied, swallowing his saliva. Shit.

Just then, Kao came back with an older male. "Ah, K'Ohm." The older male said, extending his hand which Ohm quickly too. "Mr. Dechaphatthanakun."

Fluke widened his eyes, realizing the situation fully. He bit his lower lips, stopping himself from smiling. What a small world they're living in.

"Kao said you wanted to introduce your partner."

"Y-yes sir. T-this is Fluke Natouch. My lover."

"Hi Dad."


A/N : ('꒳'∗)

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