15 June 2021

434 44 20

A Continuation from 14/6/2021

"So you're just not going to tell me who your father is?"

"Wha-? P'Ohm, I never said I won't ever tell you. It's just, it wasn't that important. Let me ask you this, if my dad isn't your boss, would you care who my father is?"

"Of course I will care, Noo. He's your father. And you're the most important thing to me."

Fluke let out a sigh and pouted. "You're not supposed to make me melt." He whined.

Ohm chuckled and pulled his lover for a hug. The two of them outside of the hall, just sipping on their wine and enjoying the night breeze.

"I still can't believe it." Ohm said, resting his chin on Fluke's shoulder, slowly swinging their bodies from side to side.

Fluke chuckled and wrapped his arms around Ohm's waist.

"Me too." He said.

"So now that I know I'm dating my boss's son, I need to work extra hard." The smaller male giggled.

"You should. Even though they're divorced, dad very much spoils me."

"Noo, that's not encouraging me." Even when he's not looking at him, Fluke knows Ohm is pouting. He giggles more.

"I'm kidding P'Ohm. Don't worry about it. Whenever we meet I always tell Dad that I'm in love with my boyfriend so if he doesn't want me to hate him he can't do anything to you." He said. Ohm smiled and nodded his head.

But that doesn't mean we won't work hard. He needs to prove himself and show Mr. Dechaphatthanakun that he's worthy of his son. "Noo, why is your last name not the same as your dad and your brother?"

"Because mom insisted I change it to use hers instead after their divorce."

"Your dad isn't mad about it?"

"Well, no. I don't know but he never mentioned anything about it so I guess he's okay."

Ohm tightens his hold on the skin waist. "Once we're married, it's going to be Ritrapsert anyways."

— — —

"Hi Dad."


Ohm gulped some more seeing as his boss's eyes were wide while Kao was trying to hide his laugh behind his palm.

"So this is your boyfriend." The CEO said, looking at his son.

"Yup." Fluke replied, smiling brightly. This isn't how he planned to let the two meet each other but this will do.

Ohm didn't dare to say anything, instead opting to just smile, alas awkwardly, at the interaction of the father son duo.

"You never told me his name."

"Well, I wanted to introduce you guys by my term and I don't want to tell you his name cause I know you're going to go all ballistic and get a private investigator and all." Fluke replied, knowing his father too well.

Even though they're not living together, his father still cares and loves for him thus he was never excluded from anything. They'll meet once a week and Fluke will tell everything that happens to him, vice versa.

Ohm on the other hand widened his eyes at what Fluke just said. Will he be interrogated later by his boss?

Mr. Dechaphatthanakun grins. "You know me too well."

"I'm your son ain't I?"

"Very well, enjoy the party boys. I'll be seeing you later Fluke, Ohm."

The two of them nodded and watched as the older male took his leave.

"You gonna laugh or what?" Fluke asked his older brother who was still palming his mouth.

Kao wiped his nonexistent tears and smiles. "You better take care of him Fluke, he looks like he's about to faint." He said pointing towards Ohm who was standing with his face pale as a sheet.

Fluke glared at Kao before turning to his lover. "P'Ohm, are you okay?"

"I-I might need a drink and some fresh air."

Fluke chuckled. "Alright, let's go. See you later P'Kao."

"See you love birds."

— — —

"So now that you know my whole family, are you ready to join our family dinner?"



A/N : Okay am done with this one 😁

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