10 May 2021

604 48 27

PierceTyphoon. //My take on Pretend Love

"That's the nong you told me about?" Marc asked as the smaller male left the meeting room in a haste.

Pierce nodded, frowning in worry at his lover's words. "That's him. Excuse me, excuse me everyone." He said.

"Be right back. Typhoon! Typhoon!" He added before running after the younger male.

Marc nodded and unconsciously waved at the retreating figure. 'Typhoon. Cute.'

Typhoon was trying to hold on to his tears as he fastened his steps. He hears Pierce calling his name but he's not in the mood to talk to the older male.

However since Pierce is taller, thus his steps are bigger, he got caught and was quick to grab his arm to turn the smaller male around.

"Typhoon please. Tell me what's wrong? Why are you running away from me?"

"You really don't remember?"

Pierce looks at the smaller male.

"Never mind, it's not important anyway." Typhoon was feeling defeated. He really wanted to just leave.

"Phoon, please. Tell me what's wrong."

Typhoon looks at the older male, his eyes getting misty.

Pierce can feel a thousand knives stabbing his heart by the look his lover was giving him. What had he done for the smaller male to be giving him that look?

'What have you done Pierce?'

Typhoon sniffles before taking out his cellphone. He presses a few buttons before shoving the gadget towards Pierce.

Pierce looked and widened his eyes. 'How could I forget?'

"Phoon... I'm sorry."

"Like I said, it's not important. So forget about it." The younger sniffles and wipes his nose. "Just be honest if you don't love me anymore." He muttered before turning around and finally leaving.

"Phoon. Typhoon. Please." The older one didn't know what to do. He can't run away from the celebration, since it was for work and he's still newly hired. But he knew that Typhoon needed him.

He was about to take a step towards his small lover when a voice behind him stopped him.

"Pierce, everything okay?" It was one of the staff and she was clearly expecting him to come back.

He forced out a smile and nodded. "Yeah." Before turning around and returning to the room.

— — —

Typhoon was broken.

He was expecting for the older to follow him out but turns out what he had expected was wrong.

He tried to be understanding.

He knows Pierce getting the job was a good opportunity but everything started changing since then. At first he didn't want to say anything, hoping that it was only for the beginning.

But it's been months since then and Pierce still wasn't acting like how he was before.

If not, he was becoming more distant.

Typhoon wiped his tears that had been falling since he stepped away from the building.

Instead of going home, he decided to call his friends and ask them out to drink his sorrow away.

After hanging up from talking to his friend, he notices that he's got one notification from Instagram.

He clicked on the app and saw a friend request.

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