25 June 2021

411 45 19

Ohm smirks as he reads Fluke's Instagram update.

"You're such a tease Noo." He muttered to himself while double tapping on the picture.

After posting his short videos on his own twitter account, he went to his room, ignoring the giggling P'News on the couch.

Once he's inside, he closes the door and plops himself on his bed before pressing on the call button to the last called contact on his call log.


He smiled once he heard the voice. "Hi."

"P'Ohm~" He chuckled at the whiny tone coming from the other line.

"P'Note scolded you didn't he?" Receiving a positive hum from him, Ohm chuckled more. "You didn't tell him you were going to post with that caption?"

"We discussed it but I added that by myself." Hearing the confidence made him smile.

"So you miss me huh?"


"I miss you too Noo. I really wanted to go to you once you arrived from Kanchanaburi that night but I didn't want to disturb your family."

"It's not like they mind it." Even though it was meant to be said in a whisper, Ohm can clearly hear that.

"Really? So is it okay if I come now?" He was already sitting down on his bed, and getting ready to take his wallet and car keys.

"Ha? You're really coming?"

"You said they won't mind. So, can I?"

"Of course! I'm going to tell dad and mom! See you later P'Ohm!" And the line was dead.

Ohm chuckled and exited his room to the living room where his cousin was still on his phone.

"P'News, I'm going over to Noo."

News raised his head and frowned. "Why?"

"Cause I want to see him. And he's already told his parents so I can't not go." He said, smiling widely. He knows News can't tell him no if Fluke had already told his parents.

News rolled his eyes. "Fine. But don't be back late."

"I won't. Bye P'News."

— — —

Fluke rushes towards the kitchen where his dad was already at and opens the fridge, looking for the ingredients they have.

"Dad! P'Ohm is coming so we need to cook!"

His dad turned towards him and looked at his son. "That's what I've been doing Fluke."

"Oh. Hehehe. What are you cooking?"

His dad began telling him and he was nodding his head with a smile. "Perfect, P'Ohm will love them."

"Of course he will. When did he ever hate what I cook?"

"Never." Fluke replied with a giggle.

"What is the ruckus about?" Fluke's mother who was at the front porch came into the kitchen with Hanna in her hand.

"Ohm is coming and your son is giddy."

"Dad!" Fluke whined which made his parents chuckle.

"Aaa, no wonder." His mother said, letting Hanna down. "Well then Fluke, go get the table ready. Let me help your dad in the kitchen."

"Okay mom."

It was only the three of them that weekend because Fluke's sister was staying over at her friend's house. Which was perfect for Fluke because her sister will tease him non stop when it comes to Ohm.

20 minutes later, Fluke can hear the sound of a car parking on his entry way. He stood up from the couch and ran towards the front door.

"P'Ohm!" He waved at his lover enthusiastically once the taller male was out of his car.

"Noo~" Ohm replied, locking the car and approaching the smaller male.

Once they were in front of each other Ohm didn't waste time to pull Fluke into his arms.

"I miss you." Both exclaimed simultaneously whilst letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Food's ready!" They let go of each other by the sound and laughed.

"Come P'Ohm, dad made something yummy!" Fluke takes Ohm's hand and drags him into the house.

Once inside, Ohm went to greet his lover's parents as he always does whenever he meets them.

They've only been in a relationship for less than 3 years but their relationship was as strong as ever. Everybody loved them and supported their relationship.

It only takes time before they tell their fans, Myblue, of their true relationship.

And they hope everything will turn out well.


A/N : I'm pretty sure we're all going to be ecstatic once they announce they're in a relationship with each other ><

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