23 February 2021

367 42 19

Teacher Pu was early to the kindergarten that day. However, when she arrived at the class there was already two student sitting on their seat. One colouring on his colouring book and the other one was just sitting, watching the smaller boy colouring.

"Good morning Ohm and Fluke. You guys are early today." She said, setting her stuff on top of the table.

"Good morning Teacher Pu." They both replied.

"Mommy Wine and Daddy Pete said they're going to be playing so they sent Noo to my house and we go to school together." Ohm replied to which Fluke nodded his head to.

Teacher Pu blushed, clearing her throat. "I see." 'Fluke's parents plays a LOT. Early in the morning and I'm attacked for being single again.'

Soon more students came in and class started as usual.

"Alright, today's letter is S. And today we'll use the bowl again. However, instead of just random S word, I only put in animals. So you guys will have to guess the animal." Teacher Pu explained.

The students nodded their heads.

One by one they made their way to the front and starts their turn.

Fluke went to the front and pick one paper.

He bit his lips when he saw what was inside.

"Are you ready?" Teacher Pu asked. Fluke nodded.

He started moving his hands like he's swimming. But in slow motion.

"A sloth?"

"Nope." Teacher Pu said.

Fluke continued. He moved forward, swinging his hands back and forth in a slow motion.

"Sea turtle!" Ohm answered.

"Yes! Good job Ohmmy and Fluke." Teacher Pu said. Fluke smiles and clapped his hands.

He return to his seat. "Good job Ohmmy~" He give two thumbs up to his boyfriend.

Ohm smiles. "You're too cute." He said.

"Okay, next is Ohm." Teacher Pu called.

Ohm made his way to the front and picked up one piece of paper.

Upon reading it, he smiles and gives the paper to Teacher Pu.

Teacher Pu checked the paper. Squirrel.

Surely he'll act like he's munching right?


The first thing Ohm did was point at Fluke.

'This boy, I cannot.'


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