17 June 2021

436 47 19

"Hmph! P'Ohm is a meanie!"

Ohm sniggered as the smaller male stomped his feet and walked away from him.

It's been more than a month since Fluke came into his house. His parents were on a business deal overseas and they have asked the Ritprasert to take care of their only child.

Fluke was adamant that he can take care of himself but alas, he's still a 16 years old boy and is the only kid of the family so he was sent to live with his parent's close friend, the Ritprasert.

The Ritprasert loves him. Adore him even. He was a polite kid and was so adorable.

Different things to be said to their son though.

Ohm Thitiwat.

The moment Ohm made eye contact with Fluke, his first reaction was to smirk.

And Fluke saw that so it wasn't a pleasant first meet for the two teenagers. Ohm was only a year older than Fluke and he had used that as an excuse to tease the smaller one.

For the whole month, Ohm's teasing began increasing, only because of one thing that only he knew of the smaller male.

Something that he didn't tell anybody, even Fluke.

Their room was thankfully placed next to each other and it was the second night of Fluke sleeping in the house.

It was just 30 minutes past midnight and Ohm was still scrolling on TikTok when suddenly the door to his bedroom was opened.

"What the hell are you doing here? Go back to bed." He said to the small male who just trudged into his bedroom.

The male however, didn't stop but instead he continued walking until he's at the foot of Ohm's bed and moved to open the blanket before laying himself beside the now stunned Ohm and blanketing the two of them with the comforter.

It was then that Ohm realised that Fluke was sleep walking.

He didn't know what it was but he didn't move Fluke all through the night. And that night he didn't sleep at all, opting to just look at the sleeping face besides him.

The next morning, before the sun rises he had carried Fluke to his room and acted like nothing happened the whole day.

And now, Ohm will wait for Fluke to come to his room and snuggle closer to him before he closes his eyes to sleep.

He didn't want to say it but, the past month had been his best sleep yet.

— — —

"Why hasn't he said anything?" Fluke muttered, looking at the wall clock. It was almost 12.

He bit his lower lips and pouted.

The first time he did it, he was just trying to scare the older male, what he didn't expect was for Ohm to let him sleep on his bed.

The second time he did it, was to try once again to scare him but again, Ohm didn't do anything. In fact, he even helped Fluke to settle on his bed comfortably. So Fluke was asleep in mere minutes of laying on Ohm's bed.

The next day and the next day he kept acting like he's sleep walking when in fact, he was getting used to sleeping snuggled up to Ohm and he didn't want to admit it.

Now that it's been happening every night, he was weirded out that Ohm never mentioned his sleeping condition whenever he was teasing him during the day.

'Does that mean he likes it too?'

Feeling dejected, he closed his eyes and waited for the time to pass by.

— — —

Ohm smiles as Fluke comes into his room and gets into his bed.

He's already readied the right side of the bed for him and when Fluke was already snuggled to him, he covered the smaller male with his comforter.

Slowly, he wraps his right arm around Fluke's small waist.

He spent a few minutes just looking at the face of the person on his chest. "Do you know that you're the cutest person I've ever met?" He whispered slowly.

"One of these days, I might just eat you up."

He smiles, caressing the chubby cheeks. "I like you Fluke. I'll confess someday, I promise."

Fluke was unfortunately already sleeping at that time and didn't hear anything.

But let's just say, Ohm's feelings aren't as one sided as he thought they were.


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