16 June 2021

444 48 25


Pharm woke up with a pout.

First, his alarm was turned off, so he didn't wake up on time, making this his first time to wake up late.

It's a weekend, regardless. He likes to start his day early.

Secondly, he woke up alone when he was pretty sure he slept with P'Dean last night.

But now, his lover wasn't in sight. His bag is there, but no presence of the older male. He's already checked the bathroom and his balcony but Dean wasn't there.

He tried calling his number but he didn't pick up.

Slowly, his anger changed to worry. Dean has never done this. He's always there when Pharm wakes up and will pick up whenever he calls. Letting out a small sigh, he opted to call Del. Maybe the elder male went back to his house?

It didn't take long until the other line got connected.

"Hello? Pharm?"

"Hello Del. Sorry, did I wake you up?" He bit his lower lips in guilt. He shouldn't have called her, it was still kind of early for a weekend and of course Del would want to stay asleep a bit more. "I-I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep."

"No, it's okay. I was awake but haven't gotten out of bed yet. What's up?"

"Is P'Dean there?" Now he felt kind of stupid for asking, she did say she haven't' gotten out of her bed, of course she didn't know.

"Hm? Hold on, let me check."

"Thank you Del."

He waits in anticipation as he hears the shuffle of the bedsheets, the opening of the door and the footsteps.

"I don't see his car here."

"Oh... Then he's not there."

"Seems like it. What's wrong, Pharm?" He can hear the worry emitting from the girl but he's also getting restless by the absence of his lover. But being Pharm, he never wanted to make others worried so he tried his best to sound okay.

"It's nothing. He probably went out to grab some food and didn't hear his phone. Thanks Del. Sor—"

He didn't get to finish his sentence when he heard the click of the door behind him. He turns and lets out a relieved sigh at the sight of Dean. "He's here Del, he just arrived. Thank you and sorry again." Without even waiting for the reply, Pharm hung up the phone.

"P'Dean!" He squeals, running towards the older male who was more than happy to welcome his small boyfriend into his arms.

"N'Pharm, good morning." Dean greeted him with a chuckle. Pharm however was pouting when he pulled away from the hug.

"Where were you?"

Dean smiles, pulling the younger onto the bed area and plopping himself before wrapping his arms around the small waist.

"Sorry, I had to go and get something. I was hoping you wouldn't be awake until I returned, I even turned off your alarm." He said.

"Oh, so you turned off my alarm. What did you need to get anyway?" Pharm looked around Dean and the kitchen counter. There wasn't any plastic bag on it, so he didn't miss it when Dean came in.

Dean merely smiled.

"My good boy, happy birthday."

Pharm blushes.

He was so worried about Dean he completely forgot that it was his birthday, although he was so excited about it last night before they went to bed.

Dean chuckled and pulled Pharm to sit on his laps before claiming the soft lips into his for a kiss.

"T-Thank you P'Dean." Pharm replied after they broke the kiss. Even when they've been together for almost 3 years now, he was still the shy little Pharm that Dean fell in love with.

"N'Pharm, what do you want for your birthday?"

"Hm? You know I don't need anything P'Dean. Having you here is enough for me."

"Then my plan is ruined."


Dean let out a sigh before softly pushing Pharm to stand up from his laps, he slowly walked towards the balcony and let out another sigh.

"P'Dean, I already told you I don't need anything." Pharm whined, walking towards the older male towards the balcony and taking his right hand into his.

He looked at where the older was looking, and widened his eyes.

There stood his mother and Phoom, Dean's parents, Don and Del, Team, Manaow, Boun, Bosston, as well as the swimming club and cooking club members.


"I would get down on one knee but they said they won't be able to see me because of his railing, so, Nong Pharm, will you marry me?"

Pharm tears his eyes away from the crowd to his boyfriend who was indeed not kneeling on one knee but with a ring in the most beautiful box ring he's ever seen.

The ring was a simple silver ring, encrusted with diamonds in the middle.

Without knowing, he felt his tears running down to his cheeks.

"What do you say? Ready to move in with me officially?"

Dean added with a smile, however his heart was thumping loudly. This was the most nervous he's ever been.

"P'Dean..." Pharm looked at the ring and to the older male before smiling. "Of course I'll say yes."

Dean's smile widened, he quickly pulled the smaller into a tight hug which caused the crowd on the road to cheer loudly.

"Happy birthday again Pharm, I love you." Dean whispered to the now sobbing male.

Pharm nodded into his chest. "I-I love you too P'Dean. Thank you."


A/N : heavily inspired by P'Kae's tweet. #HappyPharmDay

I feel like I've written this akfkajfna

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