28 June 2021

404 42 14

A Continuation

If Ohm were to tell you how he'd come to be married to someone who's way younger than him albeit telling himself that he would only marry someone who's the same age or older than him because he hates childish people, he would say that he's probably gone crazy. Alas, that was exactly what happened.

Here he is, happily married to his husband for 5 years and he was still falling in love with the younger male each passing day. And it all began because of his past action that he did unconsciously without any meaning behind it. It was when he was in his 3rd year of college and he was in the Faculty of Business Administrative library because his faculty doesn't have the book he needed to study on.

So he and Boun went to the other faculty instead.

"My mom got me a new number."


"It's annoying to have to memorize it."

"Why would you need to memorize it?"

"Because what if I lost it? Then I'm gonna need to fill in the missing forms and put in my number."

Boun, who was listening, frowned at his friend. "You're so weird Ohm."

"Shut up." The taller of them two hissed at the other and continued to scribble down his new phone number on some random pages.

He did it a few times not even realizing he was scribbling on a library book.

What he didn't expect was somebody to suddenly message him nearly 8 years after the incident because of his silly little act.

He was in the middle of teaching when his phone vibrated, indicating a new message on his Line app. Being the good teacher that he is of course he didn't open it. He simply swipes the notification away and continues on teaching.

Even after his class was done he didn't check his phone and just like that the message was forgotten.

It was only after he was freshened up after his shower that night and was just resting on his bed that he finally remembered about the message.


The message was from an unknown number. At first he opted to ignore the message but when he realized he had nothing better to do his fingers went ahead and typed in a reply.

Unknowingly, it was nearly a month after his abrupt decision to reply to the unknown number and he was surprised himself that he was still talking to the stranger albeit not knowing who the other person was.

Until one day when the bits and pieces of the stranger came to light.

[You're Sir Thitiwat?]

His breathing actually came to a halt when he saw that reply. So this stranger might not be a total stranger. He knew who he was. "Could this be one of my former students?" As soon as he said that, one particular student popped into his mind. The one student he was quite smitten with but never dared to do anything about it.

He was still doing his internship and yes he was only 23 at that time but still, he didn't want to do anything weird with him and his student. So for the few months of him teaching in Shrewsbury, he could only look at that student from afar.

His feelings are buried and forgotten as the years pass by.

Shaking his head, he typed in a reply.

[That's not fair. You get to know my name first.]

That was it, his identity wasn't a mystery anymore.

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