10 January 2021

723 42 2

He was only 10 when he found a picture of a pretty little boy when he was playing in the playground. Without hesitation, he picked the picture and kept in his bag.

As time went by, he got married, the picture still kept, forgotten, but not quite.

One day, when the married couple was in his house, his mother took out some of his childhood belonging since they're planning to donate and asked them to look around and keep whichever they want to keep.

His husband was looking at one of his bag, rummaging through the zippers and pockets when he found something.

He looks at it and asked. "Who's this?"

Ohm looks at his husband before taking the picture in his hand and smiling softly. "I think I found it when I was playing at a playground when I was 10. I kept it since then."

"Why?" His smaller husband asked, completely curious. His big eyes looking at him without blinking which made him smile, hand unconsciously going after the chubby cheeks and pinching it.

His husband is just too adorable.

"I don't know. But there's just something about it I guess? I never really though much about it, so I just kept it." He explained, to which the other nodded. "Why? Are you jealous?" He asked teasingly.

Fluke, his husband, chuckled and lightly hit on Ohm's chest. He took the photo from Ohm and looked at it.

His heart doing somersaults and butterfly going around his stomach.

"When I was nine, my mom told me that a picture of me that she just got done on a shop was missing from a pile of other pictures. She was sad because it was a picture that she really liked." He said softly.

Ohm's eyes widen. Could it be..?

Fluke turned to him and smile. "P'Ohm, this is a picture of me."


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