27 April 2021

526 41 12

Fluke was getting ready for bed.

It was another successful day with the launch of his music with his fans and family. Finally, 'Hidden' is released.

He can't help but to smile remembering everybody's reaction at the end of the MV when Ohm's voice was heard as well as when the date on the calendar was marked.

Those small little details they decided to put was worth it.

His smile flatter a little remembering the time when he and P'Boy was discussing about the song.

How the song was actually a reflection of his situation right now.

How he's too afraid to confess and decided to just let his feelings stay hidden.

He let out a sigh. He really shouldn't let this thought linger anymore. He pulled out his blanket and tucked himself on his bed when suddenly the door to his bedroom burst open.



Fluke got up from his bed only to be stopped by the younger male who walked towards him and kneel before his bed.

"P'Ohm, what's wrong? What are you doing here? You haven't gone home yet haven't you?" He asked because there clearly was still some makeup on the other's face.

Ohm simply nodded, he was tired after a full day of filming but he needed to do this today, now.

"I need to talk to you Noo."

Fluke looked at the taller male questioningly.

Ohm however didn't say anything, instead,he kept looking at Fluke's eyes. When he finally saw it, he surged forward, claiming the pair of lips into his.

Fluke widened his eyes.

Is this real? Is he being kissed by P'Ohm?

They've kissed plenty of time, but never when it was just the two of them. It was alway for work.

But this, this wasn't work. They're in his room. Alone. Just the two of them.

Moments later, Ohm finally pulled away.

"W-What was that?" Fluke whispered, still processing on what just happened.

Ohm smile. "It's you Noo. Your song, it made me realise that I don't want my feelings for you to stay hidden. I don't want you not knowing how much you meant to me. How much I love you. How much I've fallen for you. How I hated it that I can't call you mine when you're right here. With me. I'm done with being scared. I don't want to waste more time, not when I know you're feeling the same way."

Gently, Ohm pulled the frozen male to sit on his laps, on the floor.

"I'm sorry I kept it hidden this whole time." He whispered.

Fluke can feel his eyes stinging with tears. He looked at the younger male, searching for his eyes before he gently caught the other's lips with his own.

Ohm, return the kiss. The kiss was soft, just them feeling each other.

"I love you Fluke." Ohm said, resting their foreheads together before pecking on the other's lips.

Fluke smile. "I love you too P'Ohm. Thank you."


A/N: Base on an art made by @pato_thailand on twitter https://twitter.com/pato_thailand/status/1379433709061894158?s=20

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