22 February 2021

375 39 11

"...all through the town~"

The kids finished signing the song with a clap.

"Good job!" Teacher Pu cheered. Today they're learning a new song before they went out for their lunch break.

"Okay guys, you can go for your break now."

The students cheers again before they began moving.

Some going out of the class with their lunch boxes, some just staying in their seats.

"Noo wanna eat outside today?" Ohm asked his little boyfriend.

Fluke hummed and looked outside, spectating the weather. The sun wasn't that bright and it was just the perfect weather to play outside.

"Yes." He replied with a nod. Ohm nodded and took both of their lunch boxes. Fluke taking their water bottles in his hands before following the taller boy.

"We're going to be by the park Teacher Pu." Ohm informed their teacher before leaving.

"Okay, be careful guys." Teacher Pu reminded them with a smile.

The young couple made their way to their usual bench before setting their lunch boxes in the middle.

"Ohmmy, is that almond milk?" Ohm nodded, a smile appearing on his face.

"Noo wants it?"

"Can I?" Fluke looks at the older boy with his big eyes.

"Of course!" Ohm chuckled and open the bottle before giving it to Fluke.

"Thank you Ohmmy~" Fluke giggled after taking a sip of his favourite milk with the help of Ohm.

The bottle is a bit bigger so of course being the gentleman Ohm is he helped his smaller boyfriend.

"Did Ohmmy already has a word for today's letter?" Fluke asked when they're already started eating.

Sharing each other's food like always.

"Yup. How about Noo?"

"I think so." Fluke answered softly, his voice unsure.

"You think so? What do you mean?" Ohm asked with a small frown.

"I'm not so sure with my word."

"Why? What is it?"

"No! I can't tell you now.."

"Why?" Ohm asked in a small whine.

"...because." With the red that's appearing on the smaller boy's face, Ohm understood.

"Oho! It's something to do with me isn't it?" He giggled. Fluke turned his face and ignored the taller boy.

"Hehehe! I'm kidding Noo. I'm sure it's going to be a great word like you always have."

"Daddy is the one who taught me the word." Fluke said.

"Then it's going to be a great word!" Ohm said reassuringly.

Fluke nodded. The both of them continue their break eating and talking to each other.

"Okay, so today's letter is R. As you can see, the bowl is empty today." Teacher Pu said, showing the students the empty bowl. "So it's going to be word and sentence today." She added.

The students nodded. R is a pretty easy letter.

When it was Ohm's turn, the boy was ready and stood up confidently.

"R, rosy. Fluke is a very rosy boy and I love him so much." He said.

The other students chuckled and teased them like usual. Everybody getting use to Ohm always making his sentence about Fluke.

Teacher Pu chuckled. "Thank you Ohm. Fluke is a rosy kid."

Fluke smile sheepishly despite the blush on his face.

"Fluke, you want to go next?" Teacher Pu asked.

"Okay." He stood up.

"R, reassure. Ohmmy will always reassure Noo everyday so Noo will feel better." He said timidly.

"That's very good Fluke." Teacher Pu said. She then proceed to call for the next student.

Ohm's smile was wide as he stares at his lover.

"I like your word Noo."

"I like yours too."


OhmFluke A DayWhere stories live. Discover now