01 March 2021

629 44 19

Once they tweeted the post, both male was giggling to themselves.

"What are you guys giggling about?" P'Note asked as he notice their two artiste who was currently sitting together was smiling and giggling.

More like Fluke sitting in between of Ohm's open legs.

"We're married P'Note!" Fluke answered still giggling.

Ohm laughed and put down his phone, resting both hands on the small waist from behind.

Fluke rested his back to Ohm's muscular chest.

"No you're not! It's just a game!" P'Note shriek. "You're still a baby!"

"I am not!" Fluke replied with a pout.

"See!" The older male counter back, pointing at the pouting male in his younger boyfriend's arms.

Ohm chuckled at the two bickering male. A normal occurrence when it comes to their relationship.

"You are a baby Noo, MY baby." He whispered to his boyfriend, knowing just what to say to ease his lover.

Fluke's pout instantly fades away, and a smile appears.

He turns slightly and peck on Ohm's lips.

"You're my baby too P'Ohm."

"Hoi hoi. I'm still here." P'Note interrupted the two.

"Shut it Note. Let the kids be on their own." Suddenly the other manager walked into the room with two coffees.

Note pouted to News. "You should tell your son to take his hands away from my son." He said, taking the coffee from News hands.

News chuckled. "You're still so possessive Note. They've been together for 2 years now."

"And that's all your son's fault." He muttered, glaring at the cuddling couple on the couch.

Totally in their own little world. Not even caring that the staff is taking their pictures secretly.

News chuckled at the other manager. "You know that one of these days Ohm will get down on one knee and take your son away from you, right?"

It wasn't true, but he just feel like teasing his friend here.

And sure enough, Note's eyes widen. He slammed the now empty cup of coffee, that was fast, and stood up.

He storm towards the couple and took his artist away.

"P'Ohm!" Fluke shouted dramatically, being pulled away from his manager, hand wailing towards his boyfriend.

"Noo!" Ohm stood up, feeling empty at the sudden lose warmth.

They're dramatic like that.

He was about to run after the duo when he heard his manager wheezing.

"P'News, what happened?" He asked with a frown.

News was rolling on the floor at this point.

"P'News!" Ohm whined.

News took a few seconds before he stopped laughing, climbing back to his seat and whipping his tears.

"I just told Note that you're going to be proposing soon and he just see red!" And he was back to laughing.

He was expecting his artist to laugh together with him.

Instead, Ohm was biting his lower lips and was fidgeting his fingers.

"Why aren't you laughing? I just pulled a prank on Note again." News said.

"I... I..." Ohm then pull out a ring box from his back pocket.

"Are you giving kidding me right now?!"

"No!" Note who came back, alone, to get his bag, saw the ring box shouted.

"You are not taking away my baby!"

"P'Note! He's my baby!" Ohm shouted back.

"No! He is mine! He's still too young to be married!"

"P'Note!" Fluke entered. "You said it yourself! It's a game! Why are y—" He stopped when he saw the ring box in his boyfriend's hand. "P—P'Ohm?"

"Noo!" Ohm was trying to hide the ring box, too late.

The four people went silent.

So it the staff.

"Oh my God I'm getting married for real!"


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