20 May 2021

512 48 17

The Date

Fluke looked at himself in the mirror.

"For the hundredth time Fluke, you look cute."

He pouted at what Earth said. Earth arrived early in the morning to help him prepare himself for the date and he was more than grateful for him.

"But I don't want to look cute, I want to look perfect."

Earth rolls his eyes before plopping himself on the bed. "You do look perfect! By the end do the date you won't be a virgin anymore!"


Earth groaned. "We've been doing this for the past 2 hours, Fluke. You look perfect. Don't worry! Ohm will surely droll."

Fluke turned to look at Earth, biting his lower lips. "Sorry Earth. I'm just nervous." He said timidly.

Earth  sits up on the bed and smiles. "I understand, but I'm serious Fluke. You look cute, and perfect. So don't worry about it, okay?"

Fluke nodded his head, smiling. Just then the doorbell rang.

"He's here!" Earth exclaimed excitedly, running towards the front door. Fluke chuckled, following his best friend from behind slowly.

Earth open the door and sure enough there stood the tall male with a small bouquet of flowers.

"Aww! You even got him flowers!" Earth squeals. "Fluke! Come and see!"

"I'm here Earth, you don't need to shout." Fluke who was standing beside him said. "Hi."

Ohm returned his smile, extending his hands with the flowers. "Hi, this is for you."

Fluke took the flowers. "Thank you."

"Don't worry, those aren't real flowers, I know you're allergic to pollen."

When Ohm said that, Fluke felt a surge of warmth spreading throughout his body. "T—Thank you."

"You're welcome." Ohm smiles proudly. He knew that Fluke was allergic from that time they went to a flower garden and Fluke was sneezing and his eyes were red. Since then he figured it out and had put that as an important note on his brain.

"Aw!" Earth took out his phone and took a snap of the two of them before posting said picture to their class group chat. "Alright, off you go then!" He said, pushing Fluke out of the door before taking the flower to his hand. "Don't worry, I'll put these safe in your room. Shoo!"

Ohm chuckled while Fluke hissed at his best friend. "Bye! Be safe! Ohm! Don't do anything to my virgin best friend!"

"Katsamonnat I swear to to God I'm gonna kill you!"

Earth stuck his tongue out teasingly before closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry about him." Fluke said, biting his lower lips.

Ohm chuckled. "It's okay, don't worry. I won't do anything to you... yet."


"I'm joking." Ohm said, sniggering. "Let's go?" He opened the door to the passenger seat, bellowing with his hand for the smaller male to get in. Fluke smiled and climbed into the car.

"You look cute, by the way." Ohm said once they're settled in the car.

"Thank you, so do you." Fluke replied, pulling on the seatbelt but Ohm was fast to help him grab it and fastening it. Resulting in a red Fluke. "Thank you."

Ohm smiles with a nod.

"So, where are you taking me?" Fluke asked when the car started moving.

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