03 March 2021

694 40 10

"Please! Please! Please!" Tian pleaded, kneeling on her knees and clasping her fingers together. Fluke looks at her sister and sighs.

"...Fine." He said half-heartedly. Tian stands on her feet and hugs her little brother tightly.

"Thank you so much baby brother! I promise I'll be back as soon as possible!" Tian beamed. Fluke smiles a little, he always loves his sister's smile. "Alright then, I'll come back tomorrow with Ingfah. Love you! And thanks again!" Tian bid her goodbye before pecking on his brother's cheek. As soon as the door to his apartment was closed, he sat on his couch.

"Why do they had to have second anniversary anyway?" He snorted. "I'm only 17, what am I supposed to know about babies? Haish!" He closed his eyes and relaxed a bit when suddenly something came up in his mind. "Oh My God! I'm suppose to have a date with P'Ohm tomorrow!"

— — —

"I'm really sorry P'Ohm." Fluke said. He's currently on the phone with his boyfriend.

"It's alright Noo." Though he's happy that his boyfriend's a really understanding guy, he can't help but feel bad.

"But I've promised P'Ohm, and now I canceled it." His tears start to form. He always knows that he's a crybaby, not only he knows, everybody knows.

"Don't cry now Noo. It's really okay. How about this? I come to your place after I finish my work, okay?" Fluke almost yelled 'yes' but too embarrassed to do it.

"I-Isn't that much of a trouble P'Ohm?" He asked.

"No." He smiles. "Then I'll be at your place at 6 Okay? Bye. Love you."

"Okay, love you too."

Fluke and Ohm met 3 months ago when Fluke was on his way to his school. That day he'd missed his bus and had to take the train instead. He was captured by the other's features and found himself staring at the older male along the way. The next day, the same thing happened, he had missed his bus because he had extra class and had to take the train instead.

He was standing near the train entrance since it's a quiet pack with people considering it's time for people to go home from work. Ohm was standing near him and he's looking at him again when he felt someone touching his buttocks. He gasps and when he's about to look back, the molester is holding his head so that he stays looking in front.

"Don't you dare make any noise." His voice was husky. Fluke was starting to become scared when the hand that was on his butt moved to touch his front. His eyes started to get teary and when he looked at Ohm, the other was no longer at his spot. He was holding on to his whimper when the man had his palm on his member.

"What do you think you're doing?" He looked to his side and found Ohm standing beside him, holding to the hand of the molester that was touching his member. He was not sure but he thought there's a glint of madness in his eyes.

"N-Nothing." The man said and was struggling to free his arm. Just in time the entrance was open, the man dashed out, so did other people. Leaving only a few people in the train. Ohm took his hand and brought the crying boy to an empty sit.

"Are you okay?" Ohm's voice was calmer. Fluke nods his head, still sobbing.

The two of them stay quiet for a while. Ohm letting the crying boy be calmer. The next moment Fluke found himself in the other's embrace.

"Shh.. It's alright now. I'm here." And he was crying harder in Ohm's hug.

— — —

And since then Ohm and he had always stood or sat next to each other, he found out that Ohm had noticed him since the first time Fluke saw him and he instantly fell in love with him. Fluke blushed, remembering the time Ohm confessed to him and had shyly nodded his head when Ohm asked him to be his boyfriend. But, the 3 months they had been together, they had never done anything other than cuddling and kissing each other. Fluke wanted to do more than that but was too embarrassed to ask the 23 year old man.

OhmFluke A DayWhere stories live. Discover now