25 May 2021

577 46 45

Fluke was doing his assignments when the electricity in his apartment suddenly went out. Which automatically shuts down his laptop because he doesn't have the money to buy a new one just yet and his laptop cannot operate without being plugged in.

Thankfully his document was already set to save every 3 minutes so he's pretty sure his work is still intact. But it was already 9 and he needs to submit his work by midnight tonight or he his toast.

But without electricity, there's nothing he can do but find a place where he can start working on his assignments again. He groaned into his palm.

He had no plans of going out that night, his dateline was approaching and he's been doing these assignments since forever, it feels like, and now this shit happens.

"Fuck my life!"

Without any other option, he packed his laptop and changed into a better clothing, grabbed his wallet, phone and keys before exiting the apartment. Thankfully there is a cafe nearby so he didn't need to travel far to find a place.

Once he arrived, the first thing he did was to order himself an americano. He needed to stay awake for the night in order for him to finish this assignment and submit it, plus there's other assignments that needed his attention which also needed to be submitted within this week. While waiting for this drink, it hits him that the cafe has one flaw.

There's only one available plug.

He peers towards the table near the plug and almost curses out loud because it was apparently occupied.

"One Americano." The server said and he smiles at the man before taking his drink.

He stood there for a moment, the next cafe is a few block away and it was already 9 in the evening and he's more than lazy to go for a walk again, and finally he decided to just fuck it and make his was to the occupied table.

As soon as he was at the table, he put down his laptop bag and the americano before setting up his laptop. He's more than aware of the pair of eyes eyeing his movement and when the other person was about to open his mouth he quickly interjects with a,

"There's only one plug in this entire coffee shop and you're sitting right in front of it and you're not even using it, my laptop can't work without being plugged in plus I have an assignment due tonight, so whatever, I don't care how intimidatingly attractive you are I'm sitting at your table to plug my shit in."

Ohm stared at the student in front of him who was spitting fire but couldn't help but to be intrigued at the way he just called him intimidatingly attractive.

But as the male in front of his was already tapping away on his laptop, his face was serious with a "Don't bother me I'm in my zone." mode, Ohm didn't dare to say anything.

He's been there, student life. He remembers how frustrated he was with assignments and all so he respected students who's working hard on their lesson.

So for the next hour, neither male said anything. They just sat there quietly, on their gadgets, one on his phone while the other on his laptop, safely plugged in. The occasional movement was for when they took a sip of their own drink.

Fluke glanced at the clock display on his laptop, it was already 11:38PM.

And... sent!

"Done!" The 22 year old exclaimed with a big smile. He slumps down on his seat and lets out a sigh. One assignment's done, he still has 2 more to work on.

Remembering his joy was short lived, he straightened himself on his seat and almost jolted up in surprise by the man sitting in front of him.

'Crap, I totally forgot about him.'

Ohm almost chuckled at the little jump the other made when he realised that he was still there, but he quickly mustered his expression to be as intimidatingly attractive as he could.

"H-Hi..." The male's voice was a lot softer than when he first greeted him.

"Hi." Ohm replied, his tone a bit stern just because he's liking the reaction he's getting from the petite male.

Fluke swallowed his fears away.

"So you think I'm intimidatingly attractive?"


—Idk, should I continue this? ;p—

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