01 May 2021

539 44 6


"Pharm, dinner is ready."

Pharm put down his phone and made his way towards the dining table.

It's just the two of them alone in Dean's family house again. Something that's happened a lot of time nowadays.

Today it was a bit special because Dean has been saying that he's going to cook lunch for the both of them today.

Pharm was hesitant at first because Dean has never learnt to cook, not from him at least.

But when he got to the dining table, the view surprised him, in a good way.

"P'Dean, this all looks delicious!" He exclaims excitedly.

Dean smiles brightly, proud of what he's done. He really did his best and hopes it's not only look good to see.

"I just hope it's as good as it looks."

"I'm sure it will P'Dean, don't worry." Pharm said smiling encouragingly.

Both male took their seats beside each other.

"You cook so much P'Dean." The younger male said as Dean was putting in some rice onto his plate.

Sure enough there was a lot of variety of food on the table. More than enough for the two of them.

"Well, if mom, dad, Don and Del come back they can eat it too. I just hope they like it."

Pharm nodded, smiling proudly at his boyfriend. "I'm sure they will!"

Dean chuckled. "Thank you, my good boy."

Pharm excitedly tasted the dishes and he was not kidding when he said it tasted good. "It's so good P'Dean!"

"Really?" Dean was relieved, a compliment about his cooking coming from his small boyfriend is all that he needs to know that he did well.

"When did you learn to cook all there P'Dean? You have a secret teacher now, huh?" Pharm asked as he scooped more food to his dish.

"You're my teacher." Dean answers which made Pharm stop and look at the older male.


"I don't have a secret teacher Nong, you're my teacher."

"But... I never taught you anything."

Dean smiles, putting down his utensils. "You're that great of a teacher that you didn't need to teach me. All I did was watch you cook and it made me think that I can do what you're doing. You're so good in the kitchen Pharm, I've been watching you cook since we've known each other and today I wanted to try."

Pharm bit his lower lips. His cheeks turned bright red.

Dean chuckled. "So thank you nah, N'Pharm. For being a great teacher."


Dinner time was spent just the two of them, eating the elder's cooking for the first time.

When the rest of the Wongnate came back, they were happy to see the food on the dining table.

"P'Dean cooked the food." Pharm exclaimed excitedly as he helped to bring in the utensils for his boyfriend's family.

However, the people on the dining table all just looked at each other before bursting out with a laugh, Don and Del in particular a bit louder.

"Pharm, did he tell you to tell us that?"

"W-What?" Pharm looked at the head of the family who was smiling.

"Dad! I really cooked those!" Dean protested, pouting from behind his lover.

"Yeah, sure you did P'Dean." Del giggled.

"But it's true." Pharm said again. But still the four people just chuckled. They've been so used to eating Pharm's cooking that they know how his food tasted like.


Dean chuckled. "It's okay, good boy. As long as you know."

"But—" Pharm pouted as the taller male pulled him towards the living room, leaving his family behind.

"Did P'Dean really cook these?" Don asked once the lover was out of their sight.

"Yeah right, like he can cook better than me. My teacher is Pharm, no way he can cook as good as Pharm and beat me." Del said.



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