02 June 2021

483 40 17

It was supposed to be a bright sunny day, based on the weather forecast last night. But alas, here  he is, soaking wet after raining from the tree where he was just standing and minding his own business to the nearby bus stop which thankfully is empty because the bus came just now and the people there had already gotten in the bus.

But the rain had come down pouring fast and hard without any warning. He was already soaked when he reached the bus stop. And with how the bus stop was designed, it didn't really shield him enough from the rain.

Thankfully his bag helps keep his stuff dry. "Damnit, I should've brought an umbrella. Mom's going to kill me." He should and he will be killed because his mother clearly told him to bring an umbrella that morning but he dismissed her, saying it won't rain.

"I guess they're right, mother does know best." He said to himself before proceeding to him the famous Disney villain song from the movie 'Tangled'.

20 minutes passed and Fluke groaned, it seemed like the rain was still going. And he really needs to go back home or he will be killed by his mother for sure.

"It's okay, the bus will be here in 10 minutes."

So he waited and got on the bus. Although it wasn't his usual bus because this one doesn't actually stop at his drop off.

15 minutes after the bus drive, he arrived at the nearest drop off to his house. But he still gotta walk 10 minutes to his house and it's not going to be easy in this heavy rain.

He bit his lower lips and was about to just walk when suddenly he felt the rain isn't hitting his head and a presence beside him.

He looked to his right and found a man holding an umbrella for the two of them.

The man was tall and he was looking at Fluke with a smile.

"Hello, are you going this way?" He asked, pointing to the direction he was heading.

Fluke blinked a couple of times before nodding his head. "Hello, yes."

"I see that you don't have any umbrella and mine is big enough for the two of us. You mind sharing?"

"Do you? It's your umbrella." He replied as they started walking. The rain somehow is not that hard anymore but still pouring.

"Well, I would give you my umbrella but then I also need it so no, I don't mind." The man said with a smile. And Fluke almost, almost swoon by that smile and that dimple on the corner of his mouth is like a cherry on top.

They continue walking and talking. The conversation ran smoothly.

"Ah, so you're our new neighbour! I remember my mom telling me about a new neighbour but I was too busy with school stuff. I haven't gone to greet you guys yet."

"It's okay, there's always next time. I'm Ohm by the way."

Finally, a name. "Fluke."

Ohm was a gentleman who dropped him off right at his front door and waited until he was inside before leaving.

Fluke ran towards the window to see his new neighbour walk to his own house, a smile ghosting on his lips.

When suddenly a thought occurred, if they're neighbours and Ohm has his own umbrella, what was he doing in that bus stop? Did he take the same bus as him?

He's got some questions to ask tomorrow.


A/N : If somebody want to take this and make a longer au, please go ahead 😄

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