24 January 2021

573 36 6

'Beep! Beep! Beep!'

Dean woke up to the loud alarm and moved quickly to turn it off. Cautious about his movement so to not awake the figure who has his arms draped around his torso.

It was a weekend, so they didn't really need to be awake so early.

But knowing Pharm, he of course would set his alarm still even if it was a weekend.

Putting the phone down, he turned back to pull the smaller figure tighter and was replied with Pharm snuggling closer to his neck.

He smiles and soon fell back to sleep.

The second time he woke up that morning, the sun was already blaring to the room and a soft lingering touch on his face.

He smiles when he heard a giggle. "Good morning." He greeted, pulling the other tighter.

"Morning, P'Dean." Came the soft reply.

Slowly, the older male open his eyes and was greeted by the most wonderful sight, a smiling Pharm.

"Good morning." He moved closer towards the smaller, snuggling towards his stomach.

Pharm giggled at the tickling sensation.

"P-P'Dean! Wake up now. S-stop! Hahahaha!"

Dean laughed along with the latter and pull back.

Pharm smile and lay back on the pillow sideways, both hands tucked under his cheeks.

"What are we going to do today?" He asked.

They didn't have anything planned for today, since it was a weekend Dean just wanted to stay with his lover, thus him sleeping there last night.

"Hum... What time is it?" The taller asked.

Pharm looked at the clock on his wall. "It's 9."

"Still too early Pharm. Your alarm went off earlier. Why did you even set your alarm?"

Pharm giggled. "I guess I forgot to turn it off."

"Well, can we sleep a bit more?"

"No P'Dean!"

"A bit more, then I promise I'll take you out later, okay?"

Pharm's pout instantly change to a smile and nodded his head. "Alright!"

Dean couldn't help but laugh. "Come here, I need to hold you to sleep."

"Silly P'Dean."


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