13 April 2021

513 36 10

MaiYok. A Continuation

After the incident that morning, Yok had returned to his father and sworn to never touch any drugs anymore.

It was a tough road, recovering for better life but he never gave up.

He still met up with his friends, but he's known better than to do the stuff he did before.

Now he's back to going to school. His father even allowed him to continue his dancing.

"Pa, I'll go to the mall after school. Don't wait up for me okay?" Yok said when they're having their breakfast.

"Alright." His father replied smiling.

Yok was glad his father has changed, even though it need to be at the cost of his mother.

After school, Yok went to the mall he frequented with his friends before. Now walking alone.

'Go, go.'

He didn't know who's talking to him but his feet just takes him to one of the book store in the mall. He's went inside, even though he's never been there.

"What am I doing here?" He muttered to himself.  He looked around the bookstore, going to the stationery department when something caught his eyes.

A small rubber globe.

He smile and was about to reach for it when another pair of hand beat him to it.

"Ah! I'm sorry. Were you going to take it?"

Yok turned and gasp at the figure before him. "P'Mai..."

Mai wasn't sure why he was here, again.

He hadn't had the urge to go anywhere until today when his heart told him to go to the bookstore and to grab a hold of the small rubber globe in his arm.

But seeing as he was magically brought to meet the young boy he met a couple of month before, he can't help but the thankful that he decided to followed the voice in his head again.

"Hey, it's you."

They looked at each other, one with a smile one with a slight blush on his face.

"Excuse me—" Both turn at the voice, a girl. "Are you going to buy that? Coz if not I will." She said pointing to the globe at Maui's hand.

"Oh, no. Wait— Do you want to buy it?" Mai answered, but then looked at Yok because he remembered they were reaching out for it together.

"Oh, no." Yok answered shaking his head with as smile towards the girl.

"Here." Mai smile at the boy and handed the globe to the girl.

"Thanks." "Pond, let's go." And the girl turned towards her friend before leaving the two together.

Yok bit his lower lips as Mai kept looking at him. "I—I better go."

Mai was quick to grab ahold of his wrist, like Yok did months before in the small rented room, and stopped him.

"Wait... You, you want to grab a drink with me?"

Yok shyly nodded his head after a few seconds of hesitation.

Mai smile and released his hold on the small wrist. "I'm Mai, by the way."

"I—I know." Yok answered as they began walking out of the bookstore.

Mai raised his eyebrow but didn't question on how the boy knew his name. Somehow he's not surprised.

"And I'm—"


"—Yok. You're Yok." Mai finished the smaller boy's sentence, stopping their walk.

Yok looked at the taller man's eyes and smile.


They both smile to each other, hearing the last of the voice in their head, now that's they've finally found each other.

'Be happy.'


AN: Ramadan Kareem guys! As it it Ramadan, my updates will be a little bit late than usual. Thank you!

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