09 July 2021

446 37 30

A Continuation from 07 July 2021

As soon as he closed the door to his house after Ohm had dropped him off, he quickly took out his phone and called the last number on his phone.

As soon as the person picked up he didn't let the other to greet him as he was already shrieking.

"Oh my god Earth! I'm going on a date with P'Ohm tonight! He asked me out! We're going to have dinner!!"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm coming over!!"

And the line was cut.

Fluke ran to his room and threw away his belongings to his bed, making his way to his washroom to shower.

With Earth coming over, they'll definitely spent this time choosing his outfit and screaming bloody murder to each other because FINALLY!

He can hear the door to his apartment opening and Earth's voice shouting for him. He shouted back to him saying he was in the shower.

Earth has the keys to his apartment so he wasn't weirded out how his best friend got inside. Once he came out, Earth was already laying out a few of his clothes from his closet to his bed.

His make up bag was already opened and placed on his vanity.

"How did he ask you?! Tell meeee!" Earth exclaimed as soon as Fluke was out of the shower.

Fluke laughed and plopped himself on the single seater couch in his bedroom. "He just suddenly asked! I was so surprised! We were just talking and flirting, you know how we always do and then suddenly he was like, what do you say if I want to take you out for dinner tonight?" Both male proceed to squeals at each other.

It was still 4 and still Fluke hasn't got any decent meal since the morning they decided to order food whilst Earth helps Fluke to get ready for his date.

On Ohm, after he dropped Fluke to his house he drove back to his office.

As soon as he arrived at his floor Kao looked at him with a big smile.

"So you finally asked him out."

Ohm scoffed. Of course he would know already, Earth never can get his mouth shut. "Yeah." He replied.

"So where are you taking him?"

"No, no I'm not gonna tell you. If I do then you're gonna tell Earth and Earth being the blabber mouth that he is, is going to tell Fluke and that would ruin the date." He said, plopping his butt to his chair.

Kao pouted, pouted at his answer and Ohm almost wanted to take his phone out and take a picture but he settled with a chuckle.

"You're no fun Ohm."

"And you're spending way too much time with Earth. Dude you're turning into him."

Kao glared at him, throwing a pen at Ohm.

The rest of the evening both males just worked on their jobs and by 5 Ohm was already heading home.

Earth was just styling Fluke's hair for the ninth time when the doorbell to Fluke's apartment rang.

"OMG he's here!" Earth squeals, running towards the door to open it.

Ohm was smiling widely, holding something in his hand, expecting to see Fluke opening the door only to be disappointed that it wasn't him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Earth uninterestedly.

The younger male pouted, opening the door bigger to let the taller male inside. "I helped Fluke get ready of course. Why aren't you coming in?" He asked as Ohm isn't budging from the doorstep.

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