08 June 2021

471 48 20

"...we can stay in my house instead." Fluke said with a smile, talking to the other person on the other line.

"Is your roommate going to be okay with that?"

His smile turns into a pout, his roommate slash best friend Earth tends to be so overprotective of him.

He's just moved into the city 2 years ago and since Fluke was naturally a shy and reserved person, Earth has made it his mission to take care of his dear friend.

They've been childhood friends but Earth and his family moved into the city when they were in middle school. But they didn't lose contact and when Fluke decided to continue his studies in the city, Earth made sure that he had the most comfortable moving and settling-in experience.

Fluke was more than grateful for his best friend, he made Fluke feel safe and easier.

However, Earth wasn't the only person who made Fluke feel that way. The day he went to register for his classes, he met somebody who proceeded to befriend him and now, after being friends for almost 2 years, they finally decided to take a step further into their relationship.

Ohm asked him to be his boyfriend nearly 5 months ago. Fluke took his time before answering, but Ohm never pressured him and Fluke really loved that about him.

So when they began going out, other than Fluke's parents' permission, Ohm had to ask for another person's permission to officially date Fluke, which was Earth.

Ohm told Fluke how Earth interrogated him 2 minutes of Fluke leaving them to go to the washroom. He said it was worse than when they had to take their exams. Earth drilled him but Ohm's love for Fluke was not that fragile.

Fluke was surprised when he found out about it and questioned Earth on why he did that. "I don't trust him just yet, Fluke." Fluke pouted at his answer.

"Don't worry, I'll tell him about it." He answered to Ohm even though he himself isn't sure on how he's going to tell Earth that he just asked Ohm to hang out in their house instead of going out for a date.

He can hear Ohm chuckling on the other side. "Alright baby, see you tonight."

Fluke blushed at the endearment but smiled. "See you." They bid goodbye before hanging up.

The reason why he didn't want to go out tonight was because they've just finished their paper and he was still mentally exhausted but he still wants to spend time with his boyfriend. That was why he suggested that they just spent their night together in the house.

"Why? What are you guys going to do? Is he gonna stay over?"

Fluke rolled his eyes at Earth. "We're just going to be watching a movie in the living room Earth, we won't be doing anything. And no, he's not staying over."

Earth put down his pen and turned his chair to focus on Fluke. "Alright, but, you need to tell me what he's doing every time he wants to do something to you."


"We need a code." Earth said, rubbing his chin with his forefinger.

"Code?! Earth! He won't do anything to me!"

"I know!" The slightly taller male clapped his hands, apparently not hearing what Fluke was saying. "If he wants to touch you, you shout to me that you want some chocolates! And if he wants to do anything inappropriate, say to turn on the air con!" Earth snapped his fingers with the brightest smile.

"I am not going to say that!"

"Yes you will! Or I won't allow him to come tonight."

Fluke huffed a sigh and grumbled "...Fine!"

"Good." Seeing as Fluke was pouting, Earth moved to sit beside him. "I'm trying to take care of you Fluke."

"I know, but Earth, I can take care of myself."

"I know you do, but please, just this once. I still need to see if he's worthy of you. I'm doing it all for you."

Fluke nodded his head and smiled. "Okay, but I'm telling you now that Ohm is not like any other man, he's perfect." He said with a giggle.

Earth snorted.

— — —

"Hey baby."

"Hey Ohmmy." Fluke replied as he let his boyfriend in the house.

"Hi." Earth said from behind the two lovers with an unamused expression.

"Hi Earth." Ohm greeted with a smile. "I bought some chicken and coke." He said, bringing up the plastic in his hand.

"Oh ho, you're trying to win me over with food now?" Earth said. "It's working." He added which made the lovers giggle at each other.

The three sat together in the dining area and had their dinner with the chicken and the food that Fluke had cooked earlier.

20 minutes later, Earth moves to be in his room with a look thrown to his best friend, signaling him of their code before leaving.

"Okay, so what should we watch tonight?" Ohm asked as he took a seat on the couch followed by the smaller male. They sat beside each other but kept their distance.

Ohm knows that this is Fluke's first relationship and he's okay with taking it slow, as long as the smaller is comfortable. "Let's just browse Netflix then." He said taking the remote and navigating his way.

Fluke bit his lower lips, looking at the gap between him and Ohm. Slowly, he moved closer towards the taller male, letting their shoulders touch with a blush on his cheeks. They've been going out for 5 months but they had never even held hands and now Fluke is ready to move forward.

He knows Ohm has been waiting for him and he's ready for it.

Ohm on the other hand can't help but to smile, he knows this is Fluke initiating and taking a step but he'll let his smaller boyfriend make the move.

Earth on the other hand was being anxious.

He's left them for more than 10 minutes and he can even hear the sound of the tv playing. So now the two of them are probably just sitting, so he knows Ohm will make his move.

"It's okay, 10 minutes, 10 more minutes then I'm checking." He said to himself. He forced himself to focus on his drawings, not realising that time passed.

When he checked the time again, it was already more than 30 minutes. "Did I not hear Fluke saying the code?"

Slowly opening the door to his room, he peeked out at the two people on the couch.

Only one head is visible.

"What ar—!"

"Shhhh...." Ohm was quick to shut him up with a finger on his lips.

Earth looked and saw that apparently Fluke had fallen asleep and was laying his head on Ohm's chest. Ohm had taken the blanket on the couch and covered the smaller male.

"He's just fallen asleep." Ohm said in a whisper tone. Earth nodded his head and noticed that the tv's volume was lowered down. "Should I take him to his room?"


Ohm slowly moved and picked Fluke into his arm, following Earth to his room. Earth stood by the door and watched as Ohm carefully laid his best friend on his bed before pulling the blanket and covering him up nicely.

"Good night Noo, I love you."

Hearing the taller male whisper that, Earth realizes Ohm will take care of Fluke, maybe better than him.

"You found him Fluke, your guardian."


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