04 July 2021

400 37 13


Pierce took a couple deep breaths before entering the cafe where his lover was waiting for him.

They had a date today and he was especially nervous because of what he's about to ask the younger.

He knows this is taking another step into their relationship but he feels like he's more than ready to take that step.

From outside, he could make out the figure of Typhoon who was fiddling with his phone and looking as cute as always.

Pierce smiles.

Who would've thought that he's currently in a relationship with such an outgoing male who was very vocal. The total opposite of him. It was so surprising that he was even in a relationship in the first place.

They were so different, they're like the opposite of the two sides of a magnet. Yet, somehow they connected. Now, Pierce couldn't even think about his life without the younger male. That was why he was so ready.

He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't even realise the door to the cafe opening and a figure was standing beside him.

"P'Pierce? Are you okay?"

Typhoon's soft voice cut him from his reverie. "Phoon..." Typhoon was looking at him worriedly and he almost wanted to punch himself for causing the beautiful features to frown.

"I'm sorry, sorry I was just thinking. Let's go inside." Pierce said, smiling to reassure his lover. Typhoon was still looking at him with a concerned look so the older man did the best thing to ease his worries and that was by leaving a small kiss on his forehead.

Sure enough, Typhoon was back smiling.

Typhoon knows more than anyone else that Pierce isn't the type to do any public display of affection but the fact that he just kissed him, albeit on the forehead, in front of people was the reassurance that he needed.

The couple made it inside the café and Typhoon led them to his previous table which had his drinks and bag.

"Phoon, did you leave your bag again?" Pierce asked, frowning at the sight of Typhoon's bag and belonging on the seat.

Typhoon chuckled. "Sorry, I was you outside and you were spacing out so I just got up and left. I didn't really think about my stuff."

Pierce sighs and lightly flicks Typhoon's forehead to which the smaller male whines and rubs the area. "Don't do that anymore. What if someone stole your bag?"

"They wouldn't have made it out anyway with the way you're blocking the door." Typhoon muttered slowly, sipping his drink. Pierce chuckled.

"Here phi, I ordered your drink in advance."

For the next 30 minutes all they did was talk to each other. They only went out on a date every weekend because Pierce was in his last year so he was focusing on his studies more. But he never let the smaller male to feel neglected. That was why he was the one who insisted that they will see each other once a week during his exams. And now that it was coming to an end, he wanted to be with Typhoon more.

"So, you told me you have something to say?" Typhoon said once they finished their meal. He's been wanting to ask about it but considering the older seemed like he was clearly thinking of something, he decided to push it until later.

And now is later, for Typhoon.

He can be patient but sometimes his curiosity got the best of him.

Pierce on the other hand chuckled. He knew Typhoon wasn't always the type to hide in the bush but he was impressed he waited until they finished their meal before asking him.

"Phoon... What I'm about to ask is something I've given a lot of thought in. I hope you can see and understand." Pierce said, leaning forward to take Typhoon's hands into his and softly caressing the back of his hand.

"I know you know how I feel for you Phoon. I cannot say it enough, but you know me. I'm not used to all these things but with you, it's just so different. I feel different. Like I wasn't me."

Typhoon can feel his blood going cold. "Phi... Are you breaking up with me?"


"A-Are you leaving me?" Typhoon's eyes were already watering. Pierce widened his eyes and quickly scrambled to move to sit beside his lover.

"No! No Phoon. I'm not leaving you. Oh god." He pulled Typhoon into his arms, trying to calm the other. Typhoon isn't someone who can cry easily and the fact that he is now shows Pierce how much he loves him. It brought warmth into his heart and knows what he's about to propose will be something the smaller will love.

"Then what is it? Why are you saying all this?" Typhoon hiccupped.

Pierce can feel the eyes of the people inside the café on them, usually he would have been embarrassed but this was not the time to be.

"Typhoon, look at me." He carefully pushed the sobbing male by the shoulder and gently wiped his tears. Another punch to his gut for making Typhoon cry.

"I'm not going to leave you Typhoon. Not now, not ever. I'm asking you to move in with me. Live with me. Be with me every second, be the one who I open my eyes to. Be the last person I see before I go to sleep."

Typhoon's tears dried up instantly. He looked at the older male and saw nothing but determination and love. Slowly, a smile bloomed on his face.

"I would love that." He replied. Pierce returned the smile and pulled him into his arms again.

"Let's find the perfect place to live. We'll make it our home."

"Our home."


A/N : I was missing PierceTyphoon.

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