06 February 2021

459 38 23

Teacher Pu was arranging her stuff on the table. It was still 20 minutes before school starts but there's already some children seated in their seats.

Some talking with their friends and playing.

"Good morning Teacher Pu!" An enthusiastic voice greeted her.

"Good morning Fluke." She replied, smiling brightly.

"Good morning Noo!" Came another excited voice from inside the class.

"Morning Ohmmy!" The two boys ran into each other's arms, hugging for a good 10 seconds. "I missed you!" "I missed you too!"

Teacher Pu smiles, trying hard not to roll
her eyes at the two obviously love birds. They're so overly dramatic and in love she feels pathetic with her own love life, or the lack of it.

'Even a 6 years old can find love, that the fuck is wrong with me? Am I not loveable enough?'

Few minutes later more students came and class started.

"Alright class, yesterday we learn about the letter A. Has everybody don their homework?"


"Good! Ohmmy, please help me to pick up all the homework." The little boy nodded, glancing proudly at his seat mate, Fluke, before moving around the class to collect the papers.

"Did you finished your homework Noo?" Fluke nodded. Ohm of course will pick his paper the last one.

The small boy took out the paper from his bag. "Here Ohmmy."

Ohm smiles widely. "Thank you Noo. Your handwriting this so cute, like you." The taller boy said cheekily, completely not minding the other children and a widely gaping teacher in front.

He walked towards Teacher Pu and handed her the papers. "Here Teacher Pu, Fluke's paper is at the top. Please don't smudge it. Thank you."

"I—I won't, don't worry. Thank you Ohm." The child smiles and went back to his seat, not forgetting to scoot his chair closer towards the smaller boy.

"Okay! Today we'll get to know the letter B. Can you say it with me? B~"


"Good job!" She then proceeded to write some words with the letter B.





"These are some of the words with the letter B. Like yesterday, we'll do the word and sentence game again. Is everybody ready?"

An unison "Yes!" was heard throughout the class. And Teacher Pu started asking the students one by one.

"Fluke, your turn."

The small boy stood up.

"Bed. I really love my bed, but I hate that I need to leave it whenever I need to wake up in the morning."

Teacher Pu chuckled. "That was very good, thank you Fluke." She didn't miss the proud glance from the taller boy beside Fluke as he sat down.

Ohm didn't even wait to be called, he stood up as soon as Fluke sat down.

Teacher Pu giggled and nodded at the taller boy, signalling him to start.

"B, BABY! Fluke is my baby. When we grow up, I'll marry him and we'll have our own baby!"


OhmFluke A DayWhere stories live. Discover now