Strange screams and absolutely terrifying creature

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Hi guys I just want to tell a story about an event that absolutely scared me shitless, like I'm thinking about buying a gun level . It's going to be a bit long but I hope y'all have some patience and curiosity, It all started last summer around July, it was late at night (3 am or so) and I was just laying in bed looking at some videos on YouTube when I started to hear screams that I can only describe as absolutely terrifying: it was like a newborn, a woman, a dog and a cow were all merged into one single creature and said creature was having the worst time of his life, like seriously that scream was of something I've never heard of displaying extreme pain and distress. This obviously got me all freaked out, I was just there trying to figure out what it was, thinking about every animal on this planet but it was just different from everything ( I live in northern Italy in an area full of fields and farms, but still pretty populated, so no big wild areas for anything unusual to live in). It all lasted a couple of minutes or maybe a bit more, and it was LOUD. As the nights go by it kept going, maybe it would be all silent for nights but then every one and then boom... It came back, and a couple of times I even recorded it WhatsApp voice messages I've sent to friends and they all where like "dude that thing is for sure an alien or a mutant or some shit monster" , so yeah, I wasn't crazy, I wasn't hearing voices and I wasn't so dumb to not recognize what a fucking cow sounds like, but having confirmed that it was something else got me even more concerned. It all gradually stopped during last fall, and for the entire winter I heard nothing strange, since like around two weeks ago, when I've heard it again, the same gut wrenching scream, but I've overlooked it. Now, a bit of context: I live with my parents, and I've yet to get my driving license, so last Friday a friend of mine gave me a lift home, pulling up at the start of the road at around 2:30 am after we went at a bar with a couple of other friends, so I had to walk like 500m to get to my house (he just dropped there because it's way quicker for him that way and I wanted to smoke a cigarette and walk a bit). So I'm there, walking a poorly lit rural road later at night, just minding my own business, 100% sober, a bit lost in my thoughts and careful looking at the road (since here drives have the bad habit to go double the speed limit even around corners not caring if they run over someone), while all of a sudden, I see a strange red spot in the tall grass, about the size of a big dog, slowly moving parallel to the road, I can't see it very well since it's covered by the grass in the field so I start walking a bit quicker to get closer, curious to see what it is. Then. I . See. It. That thing was huge, I guess around 4-5 meters long, crawling with his Long ass arms and legs in the grass because reasons, skin pale red with a pretty skinny but still big body, overall looking like a big deformed human-dog-lizard hybrid but with neither scales or hair. I've been looking at it for maybe 4 seconds, paralyzed, in complete disbelief and sweating bullets, when apparently I did some gasping of fear that it heard, so it just stopped, turned around to give one horrifying look at me, eyes growing like the ones of a cat in the night, and then it just got up on his legs and run away, in the grass, fucking screaming like I've heard. It's pretty obvious that at that moment I bolted to my house screaming on top of my lungs like, seriously Hussain Bolt in comparison was nothing, I then get home, open the door, sprint inside and just stand there, door slightly open, looking outside shaking like hell. I didn't have much sleep since then, I just keep thinking about that thing. I've never believed in anything supernatural, even though tbh I'm pretty scared of aliens, don't know why it has just been my irrational fear since I was young, but still... Now I don't know what to believe, and obviously I haven't told anyone, everyone would just say that I was drunk or idk and I don't want to be seen like crazy.

Posted by u/ TheMechanicsupporter 

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