Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"I can't wait to go to work" father said as he took a sit with us in the dinning table. He loosened his black tie so he can eat properly.

Mom cooked chicken wings, eggs and bacon. She placed down the food at the table one by one and then sat with us.

I tucked my brown locks behind my ear so it won't get in the way when I eat. All of a sudden, something got stuck in my eye. Probably dust. It hurt quite a bit and I tried to wipe it off. I hope my hazelnut eyes won't go red.

"We all know that your excited for your new job, dad." my brother Felix, said.

"Then don't be a kill-joy son." father pointed out as he got a piece of chicken wing.

"Papa, he's just like that because he's girlfriend is sick." Venus entered the conversation, getting a sunny side up egg.

My brother calls him Dad, my sister calls him Papa and I call him Father. Same goes to our mother. Felix calls her Mom, Venus calls her Mama and I call her Mother. It's odd and weird, we know that. We call it being unique.

Felix and Venus are fraternal twins. Felix has honey-colored hair and blue eyes while my sister has black hair and brown eyes.

Mother is one-fourth Japanese. This caused a mix of genes to her children.

"Because of your love life, you'll be like that?" mom asked as she poured water on my glass.

"Mom, I-"

"Let's just eat or we'll be late for school and work." Venus cutted him off.

"Fine" Felix ate his bacon.

I finished eating first because I didn't talk that much. I was too busy thinking about other things.

"I'll be going ahead." I got my shoulder bag and fixed my hair on the way. I combed my hair using my hands because I'm too lazy to get a comb.

"You sure? Who's going to bring you to school then?" Venus asked.

"My boyfriend" I replied with a smile.

"Okay, have a nice day then." Venus waved goodbye and I left the house. Venus doesn't smile that often for quite a while and I don't know why.

My boyfriend, Carl was waiting for me outside with his motorcycle.

"Hey, babe." he greeted.

"Don't call me that!" I sat behind him.

"What then?"

"Something else besides babe, sexy or those kinds of names." I shrugged. Those nicknames make me cringe.

"I'll think about it then." he grinned and we started to leave.

We arrived at school and I said goodbye to him, giving him a hug before leaving to my classroom. I met Carl a few years back. We were at fourth grade and he saved me from falling off a cliff. We became lovers at sixth grade. Young love, I know. But I love him!

I entered the classroom and was greeted by my best friend, Molly.

"Have you watched Sword Art Online yet?" she asked.

"Yeah, like years ago." I told her. She's just a beginner when it comes to anime. She started five months ago. I just hope she won't become a weaboo.

"Then you know the term 16.5?" she asked.

"Don't go green, and yes of course I know." I placed my bag at my seat.

"Do you know The World God Only Knows?"

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