The real fun begins, but not for me(C80)

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How long have I been gone this time? A month? Two months? Who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I received comments asking me to upload so here. Now, I can disappear in peace for a few weeks! Enjoy - Isaki <3

💖Betty/Painting Rainbows pov💖

Being the only person in my class to fail wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it'd be. However, the teasing by other people from other schools is something I could do without.

"I don't know how you do it Betty." Kim said. "If I had this many people come up to me about the same topic, I'd probably lose it."

"I've had to learn to keep my composure a long time ago while dealing with you four. It's just natural for me." I shrugged.

"Well I don't know how you failed the test in the first place." Denki said.

"Just wasn't my day I guess. So it goes. There's always next time, whenever that might be."

"Better pray."

Remedial classes hasn't been announced yet, so I couldn't really talk about that. Instead, I shrugged again and changed the subject.

"What do you guys think the real test will be like?" I asked.

"I wonder. They already tested most of our strength with the first test, so maybe it'll be about rescuing or cooperation."

"If it's cooperation, Bakugo's not making it any further." Kat laughed.

"The hell did you say you blue haired punk?" Bakugo yelled.

"Wow. I never got that one before."

"If it's cooperation, aren't you and Allen done for anyways?" Wenny asked. "You have no room to talk, Kat."

"Nah, I just won't work with him. There's tons of others in this test. Plus, we don't even know if cooperation has anything to do with the test. I'm safe for now."

"For now is the key word." I muttered.

After a few more conversations, the second test was announced. The rescue operations along with the ten minute grace period to prepare.

Most who failed the first exam were aloud to leave since they weren't moving on, but I stuck around for my siblings and classmates. Though, they were more focused on coming up with a plan so I kinda just sat by and watched.

God I'm bored...

I eventually decided I'd ask to see if I could watch the exam from the stands with Aizawa and Ms. Joke. Whoever was guarding it said they didn't know why it'd be an issue and let me in.

"Hello Mr. Aizawa! Ms.Joke." I greeted sitting down.

"Ooh! This one of your students isn't she?" Ms.Joke asked.

He nodded, obviously uninterested in talking to us. Or just Ms.Joke. Couldn't really tell.

"Are you the only 1-A student who failed the first exam?" She asked.

"Umm...Yeah. Wasn't my day it seems."

"We all have bad days. Plus, remedial classes will start soon. You'll have the chance to try and earn your license again."

"Awesome. No worries then."

I tried so sound like I didn't know that remedial classes were a thing and Ms.Joke seemed to buy it.

This whole pretending not to be from another world thing is gonna get difficult someday.

Before I could get lost in the thought of how to make my siblings and I seem more like we're supposed to be here and not teleported from somewhere else, a siren rang out. The test had begun. 

Woo! It's finally done! Sorry nothing interesting happened but I figured beggars can't be choosers now can they?  

Self promo: Anyways, if you wanna see some reasons why I'm busy, check out my other book "Hell has a special place for middle schoolers." Also, despite me being in no place to start another fanfic, I'll soon put out a danganronpa fanfic thing. It's kinda like the legendary unfinished "Trigger happy havoc" fic someone made but also different in so many ways so look out for that!

I'll see you lovely people in a month (That's a joke but I probably will disappear again for a while tbh)! Thanks for reading! - Isaki 💖

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