We're having trouble with this arc and nothing is going our way(C34)

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Double upload cause 7k and dentist appointment. Enjoy!-Isaki 

💙Kat/Fuuneh pov💙

The week went by faster than I hoped. Before I knew it, the end of another school day turned into the start of internships. Which meant, I'd be spending a week with Todoroki and his family. I prayed it wasn't just him and his dad or I think I might die from intimidation.

"Good luck with your internship Kat!" Kim said.

"Try not to embarrass yourself." Allen warned.

"Gee. Thanks." I sighed.

"Does Endeavor know you're going?" Betty asked.

"I sent a letter which was responded to and Todoroki knows."

"Well then you're all set."

"What about you guys?" I asked.

"Momo and I are heading to Uwabami's soon." Kim said.

"And the rest of us are waiting until everyone leaves before finding Aizawa." Betty added. "It's our first time being far apart this long."

"We'll be fine." I reassured Betty. "Good luck with...him."

"We'll let you know how it goes." Kim said. "We'll see each other next week."

We hugged each other goodbye before splitting up. I was terrified to be left alone with hotheads who can't keep cool (puns intended), but I had no choice at this point. So, once we were dismissed, I followed Todoroki to Endeavors agency.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Honestly, I'm still not sure." I admitted. "I hardly know anything about Endeavor so I'm pretty much walking in blindly."

"The one rule is to keep up. He believes if you fall behind, you stay behind."

"Well alright then. Anything else I should know?"

"Nothing else I'm sure. I have a question though."


"Shoot what? I don't have a gun."

Oh my lord...

"Ask the question."

"If you were to hit my father with your omen, what'd happen? Just curiosity, I swear."

"Depends. Probably range from putting out his flames to having the next villain he fights kill him. It's all based on what's happening."

He nodded, and we arrived shortly after. I crossed a finger over my heart before following Todoroki in. Endeavor was right at the door. My nerves sky rocketed.

"I've been here for literally two seconds and I hate this already." I sighed.

"You can't leave now you know." Todoroki said.

"I know."

A few steps forward and I was face to face with Endeavor for the first time.

"I didn't think you'd take up my offer." He said.

"Yeah. Me either. My original plan...changed."

"I wasn't talking to you, blueberry."

What the- ouch!

That was actually rude. I didnt want to just sit there and take that, but if I tried to do something I'd probably regret it. So, I stayed silent.

"I'm not here because I like you. It's only because you have a good agency. Even if it's run by the worst person. And for the record, I don't appreciate you insulting my friends."

Friends? Really? I thought he secretly hated me or something.

Endeavor sighed. "Now, Kathrine. I was hesitant to even give you an offer. It's obvious that you're a slacker who cheats her way to the top."

"You know it hurts more when you say it." I said. "My siblings tell me this all the time and it doesn't hurt as much."

"Only further proves my point. Even so, you're determined. Just on the wrong things."

The compliment meant nothing to me since he just insulted me not too long ago, but I nodded anyway.

"Alright. Both of you get in hero outfits and we'll go patrolling." He said before leaving.

"But it's 4:30. It's gonna get dark a few hours. And, we just got here."

"Another thing I should've told you was to not ask too many questions about his methods." Todoroki warned me.

"That one should've been obvious." I sighed. "Where can I change?"

He pointed towards the bathrooms. I got the case with my hero outfit in it and went to change. The bathroom was well decorated for a public place. Plants, chairs in the waiting room, and pretty lights. Of course the music sucked, but I wasn't worried.

I quickly changed and shoved my uniform into my backpack. I'll get it ironed somewhere. I left the bathroom stall and put my mask on.

Thank Wenny for making this transparent while I wear it.

I grabbed my bag and left the bathroom. 'Roki and Endeavor were already there.

"Where can I put this backpack?" I asked.

"You can rent a locker over there." Endeavor said. "Hurry up."


The lockers were fifteen dollars an hour (which was way too over priced) but I was taking too long. I got a key, put my bag away, and ran back.

"Alright. I'm ready." I sighed.

When we left, the sun was going down. I had so many questions, but I didn't ask. Not yet anyway.

Let's hope this doesn't mess with my sleep schedule.

Remember! I'll be on a small break since I'll be getting my braces off. I should be back next week.  Second chapter out shortly!

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