A mental death, send us to dormitory(C71)

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Don't know if you know but the title's a play on words from "The Bakery" by Melanie Martinez

💙Kat/Fuuneh pov💙

When we were finally allowed to see the dorms, the Krew and I were the only ones who had wagons with boxes that had pieces of furniture in them that we had to assemble manually.

"Sorry we're late!" Betty apologized. "Last minute check out and all that was not a fun process."

"Plus, Kim took forever packing her massive closet!" I added.

"I need all these clothes." Kim said glaring at me.

"Sure you do."

"Wenny brought fifteen different hoodies!"

"Hey, leave me and my hoddies out of this." Wenny said.

"Can we not make this about us right now?" Betty asked. "At least so Mr.Aizawa can say what he has to."

That got us to stop talking, so Aizawa began.

"The twenty of you were supposed to get your Provisional Hero Licenses but due to the attack you didnt." He said. "Though, a number of you acted as if you had them. Yes. This points to Shouto, Eijiro, Izuku, Momo, Tenya, Kimberly, Wenny, and Allen who were at the site of Bakugo and Kathrine's rescue and made it your responsibility to save them."

"Technically, as the second oldest, it was automatically my responsibility." Kim muttered.

"Don't go there right now." Betty warned.

"I'm also aware that all but Kathrine, Bakugo, Toru, and Kyoka knew about their plan." Aizawa continued. "If it weren't covered up and All Might's retirement, I'd expel all of you."

Just when I thought that we were in the clear, something unexpected happened.

"However, Kathrine, Kimberly, and Allen broke out of the remedials classroom I told you to stay in just to rescue your sister. You could've been easily killed out there and a punishment is in the works for you three."

"You three did what?!" Betty asked angrily. "Are you serious?"

"Hey! We were just as worried about you as you were about us." Kim said. "We had to find you."

"So you ran head first into danger? I appreciate the effort but dying out there wouldn't have helped me."

"You were an easy target too! You don't even know that one of the villains captured you for a little while!"

"Maybe so, but you shouldn't have done that. And personally I would've loved to have heard this a while ago so I wouldn't have to have this conversation in front of everyone."

I completely forgot that we weren't alone until she said that.

"Fine. But I will bring this up again." Kim sighed.

As Aizawa continued, I though about Betty's attitude. I've never seen her that upset. And judging by our classmates reactions, they didn't even think she could be like that.

What happened Betty?

The atmosphere was quite low, so Bakugo forced Denki to use his quirk and made him stupid that made everyone laugh and the gloom in the air was cleared. Now that everyone was better, Aizawa let us into the building. Though, we needed help getting our wagons inside.

"The bottom floor contains the dining area, baths, and laundry facilities." He explained. "The bedrooms are on the third to fifth floors. Each room has a AC unit, bathroom, refrigerator and closet. The rooms are separated by gender with left for the boys and right for the girls. Now, get unpacked and set up. Tomorrow, I'll explain the new schedule."

With that, we were aloud to split up and start furnishing our rooms. All of the Krew ended up on the second floor so we only needed to get our stuff up one flight of stairs. And thanks to the elevator, it took no time at all.

Once we all finally got our things upstairs, we started setting up our own rooms. I set up my bean bags, put my mattress bed down, and even took the time to put together my desk. Though, homework will be a bit of a challenge without that binder.

Where could it have gone? Binders don't have legs...I think.

I shook off the thought and finished putting my room together.

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