Its over...finally(C54)

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💖Betty/Painting Rainbows pov💖

Kim and Jirou didn't pass. As for Shouji and I, we got the win last second. I was able to make enough ribbons to apprehend Snipe and handcuff him. However, I was unsure of Kat.

When we were all brought back together in the classroom, Recovery Girl announced those who didn't pass.

"Those who failed the test are as followed." She said. "Mina, Denki, Kimberly, Jirou, Eijiro, and Kathrine."

I looked at Kat who stared at the floor. When they joined us, Kat looked riddled with guilt. I could tell.

"I couldn't do it!" She admitted. "God, the feeling suddenly sucked and I chose not to."

"Not to what?" Kiri asked.

"I was gonna ditch you. I thought your idea was garbage and didnt want a part in it. So, I told you I was going to sneak around Cementoss and headed for the escape. I ended up not going through with it though. I'm sorry, Kirishima."

Kiri seemed stunned. I couldn't tell if it was from feeling betrayed or impressed by Kat's honesty.

"You're fine." He said. "I mean, I'd like to know why you didn't just tell me you had a different plan, but it's fine. After all, its pretty manly of you to own up to it...Womanly? Whatever."

Kat smiled. "Thanks. I'll remember this. Sucks we can't go on the trip though."

"Actually, you will." Aizawa said, stepping in.

Most students were confused, but from the grin on Wenny's face, it's obvious she knew.

"The summer camp is a training lodge." He said.

"Of course it is!" Kat groaned. "No break is there! This school stinks."

"If you're done, I'll continue." Aizawa said glaring at Kat. "Those who failed the physical test will receive harsher training at the lodge. Here are lists of things you'll need."

The list was filled with stuff you'd only need if you were going camping. Though, that's exactly what this is.

"I hate this already and we haven't gotten anywhere." Kim whined. "The list alone tells me what I'm in for. Bugs, sweat, and work."

"How about we all go shopping together?" I suggested. "I assume most of us have none of these things."

Most agreed to go with us and we began planning. Once that was over, everyone got ready to go home. As we got ready to walk home, Izuku approached us.

"Hey um," he began, "a couple days ago I though I heard you five running through the hallways away from All Might's office. Was that you?"

"No." Kat answered immediately. "We left after you. The front desk told us that you were looking for us."

"Really. I'm almost certain I saw you."

"Must've been some other people. Maybe a group of kids from other classes trying to vandalize."

Izuku seemed to take that answer, but also looked unsure of Kat's words. Regardless, we left it at there and headed out.

Did I double upload for 15k? I can't remember...Whatever. I'll double upload anyway since I'm trying to move this along faster. - Isaki

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