We'll need a plan(C33)

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💜Lunar/Wenny pov💜

We were told to stay in class while everyone else left. Once the classroom was cleared, we pulled up our task list.

"Okay. Kat got an internship offer from Endeavor and Kim got one from Uwabami." Kim said. "They can go to those."

"What? I don't want to go to Endeavor's agency! What happened to me stalling?" Kat asked. "The bonus tasks aren't even important."

"We don't know what they mean." Betty corrected her. "They could be very important."

"I'll text Isaki." I said.


W: Yo! What do the bonus tasks do?

I: More bonus tasks you complete, the more money you get to pay for hospital, food, and furniture. It also helps makes the universe bend easier on our end.

"The bonus tasks give us money." I said.

"Alright. I'll do it." Kat said. "But only because I like cash money."

"We know." Betty said. "Alright. So what about the text? Does Izuku even know any of us that well?"

"He knows me." I said. "Sitting behind him and knowing a lot about heroes like he does made me the perfect candidate and we hit it off. We don't sit together at lunch and stuff, but we talk often. Drives Bakugo insane."

"Well if he texts you, let us know." Kim said.

"Got it."

"Didn't Betty say there were more tasks that weren't in direct relation to the Hero Killer. What else do we have to do?" Allen asked.

"Oh yeah! The remaining ones are get asked about the hero killer and win the rescue training race." Betty said. "I said they didn't mean much."

"Truly." Kat said. "That was more useless than Allen's pvp skills."

Kat laughed at her joke while Allen threatened to kill her. Of course, it was a joke (I hope).

"Anyway," Betty said changing the subject, "I found my heart axe I was given. I'm gonna take it to Hatsume to tun it into a multi purpose tool."

"Maybe she can make my dagger longer." Kim agreed. "Take my royal dagger with you."

"Looks like you guys don't need me right now." Aizawa said.

"Actually, we do." I said. "The rest of us need to intern with you. Kat's going with Endeavor."

"You'll also need to get us onto a train to Hosu city." Betty added.

Aizawa nodded. "Anything else you guys will need?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay. But, make sure to take care of each other. I was tasked of watching you, but you also have to look after each other."

"Understood." Betty said. "Though, you don't need to tell us that."

"Yeah! We're gonna beat this arc and everything is gonna go our way!" Kat cheered.

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