Let's get to work, shall we?(C76)

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💜Wenny/Tsuki pov💜

I was hyped for training today. The special move training was always really cool and now I get to make my own. Especially now with the change in my quirk.

Isaki appeared in my dorm this morning and gave me the wand she told me I could use from now on. Her way of somewhat seamlessly changing my quirk to better fit what was coming. I accepted of course and now I could put it to the test.

"The Provisional Hero License exam is designed to test the your aptitudes such as information gathering, judgement, mobility, leadership, and communication in various types of trouble. However, the attitude that is most prevalent is fighting ability." Aizawa explained.

"Bringing stability to a situation is a mark of a hero's true fighting ability." Cementos commented.

"Now, always remember special moves don't always have to be offensive. For example, Tenya's Recipro Burst is worthy of being called a special move since being able to move at blistering speeds within a short space of time gives him an upper hand." Ectoplasm said.

"Another example is Kamui Woods Lacquered Chain prison. It lets Kamui to suppress his opponents before they can do anything." Midnight added.

"As I said earlier, the training camp's purpose was to help develop your special moves before it ended abruptly." Aizawa said. "So, the remaining ten days you have of summer break before the second semester begins will be entirely spent on developing your quirks and creating your special moves. In addition to that, you might want to consider upgrading your hero costumes to aid you in creation."

With that, we were allowed to get started. I had an idea of releasing a powerful blast of several elements from my wand at once but I was nowhere near that level of power yet. I just got this thing.

So, I'll spend that time working my way up there.

With the time I've spent training, It shouldn't be hard. I just to start small which meant learning to use two at a time. Which meant I should talk to Shouto after class today.

For now, I'll try figuring it out myself and getting used to this wand.

And thats how I spent most of the time. that day. I also took a couple breaks which I used to talk to my siblings. Their moves were going smoothly. Even Kat, who usually struggled a little more due to her luck.

"My radius is improving!" Kat bragged. "At some point, my light blue beams of misfortune will spread far enough to reach the other side of the room!"

"Can't wait to see how that'll work for everyone else." I said.

"The people need unpredictable situations. I'll be doing everyone a favor."

"It won't be the most well received." Kim warned.

"It's not about them taking it well, it's about them taking it anyway. The test will be much harder than a few short comings."

"Sounds like someone got her head in the game." Betty said. "Nice job Kat."

Kat smiled. "I'm just doing what I have to. Plus, I want to be ready for the next arc."

Kai Chisaki arc. I kept almost forgetting about how hard it'll be. If we want to beat this, we'll need to make sure we're on top of our skills.

"You'll be okay." Betty said. "We all will."

"Why'd you say 'you'll?" I asked. "Did you and Kim resolve it?"

"Kim's going with you guys. I'll fail the test."

"What helped you resolve it? What did you explain?" Allen asked.

"It's...just a bit of miscommunication." Kim sighed. "We'll explain in better detail later on."

I frowned at their hesitance, but didn't argue. The arc ahead would be much worse than forcing answers out of them.

Apologizes for the lack of consistency in literally everything right now. The first few weeks of school have been exhausting mentally so I've been unmotivated. I'm hoping to pick up the pace again soon so bare with me. See you next weekend! 

Resilience [Krew in MHA]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz