Lets do this bestie! (C16)

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💙Kat/Funneh pov💙

The week leading up to the sports festival was brutal in some ways. We have never looked so tired.

"Trainings hard!" I whined.

"Tell me about it." Kim agreed. "My eyes are dry from all the starring."

"My hands are sore from potion making." Wenny said. "Momo had me making things non stop."

"Luckily, it's Friday night." Betty smiled. "We can rest our bodies from all that brutal training this week."

"And tomorrow's the sports festival!" Allen cheered.

(A/N: I'm not sure if it was ever revealed what day the sports fest was on but I like my way better so...SF is on Saturday!)

We cheered for the relief that this would be over soon.

"So, whats after the sports festival?" I asked.

"Internships." Wenny responded. "We'll be working along side pro heroes and learning about hero work. However, we'll also have to fight the hero killer."


"Stain. He wants to kill heroes and all that." Allen said. "His quirk let's him taste blood to paralyze people. It varies from how long they're paralyzed based on blood types. Least favorite arc honestly."

"What do you mean least favorite?" Wenny asked.

"It was unimportant!"

"You bite your tongue. It was very important!"

A/N: Fun fact: I wasn't a big fan of the hero killer arc but, not because it was unimportant. To me, it was unnecessary.

While Allen and Wenny argued about anime, I scrolled through social media. It was quite different from our universe. Our YouTube channel didn't exist here but our Twitter did. However, all the photos looked a little different. I guessed that's the world bending to our existence.

"We need to come up with an origin." Wenny said. "We'll be asked about it soon enough."

"Ooh!" Kim said with her hand shooting in the air. "Can I pitch an idea?"


Kim stood up and cleared her throat. "We come from a fabulous famous couple."

"Not bad. I've got one that's more like us though." Wenny said.

"Fine. Let's see."

Wenny took the stage(not and actual stage but you get the idea).

"We come from a hero duo called chefs kiss. On top of being pros, they owned a very famous restaurant. They believed in free choice of career but encouraged us to be heroes if we wanted to. One day, they were killed in a battle. Now, relatives run the restaurant and we want to become pro heroes to finish what our parents started."

Our jaws dropped. How long has she been hiding that? That backstory was amazing!

"Wenny, that was so cool!" Betty cheered.

"I'll admit. Yours was much more thought out." Kim agreed.

"Thanks. I've been holding onto that for a bit."

With not much left, we stayed in the living room chatting until we got sleepy.

"Alright guys." Betty said. "Ready to win tomorrow?"

We said a collective yes before getting ready for bed. That evening though, I thought more about the sports fest. It was merciless and ruthless and no one will be spared. I had quite a feeling that we'd be fine though.

A/N: Kind of filler and uneventful but place your bets on whose gonna win the sports festival!

Resilience [Krew in MHA]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora