No...Ducking...Way (C2)

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💙Funneh pov💙

As it turns out, our tv wasn't a tv. Our tv became a portal, and it took us into some trashy alley. Luckily, I landed on Lunar. Unfortunately, everyone else landed on me.

"Where are we?" Kim wondered. "Ew! Cockroach!"

"Where!?" Allen demanded.

Kim and Allen scrambled to get up while the rest of us tried to figure out where we were. Then, a puff a magenta smoke formed. When it cleared, two people stood in front of us. One was brown haired with a pink streak, a long pink dress and tiny hat. The other had no mouth or hair and her skin was completely white. She wore a black dress with white ruffles on the sleeves and a flower crown.

 She wore a black dress with white ruffles on the sleeves and a flower crown

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(My sister and I's oc's as goddess)

"Greetings." The one in pink said. "I'm Isaki and this is my alien bestie, Twinkie."

Twinkie waved as her skin went from white to a nice green.
(A/N: green = Happiness :)

"Congratulations! Out of the millions on earth, you have been chosen to take part in a game. You are gonna survive seasons 1-4 of My Hero Academia."

"Isn't there five seasons." Wenny questioned.

"Well yes. You only have to survive 1-4 though. If you wanna do five, it lets you choose who's next to play." The brown haired 'goddess' responded.

The color changing one started speaking. Only, it was high pitched and fast. Like an animal crossing character.

"You'll be given an apartment, and you're already enrolled to be in the entry exam. We thought since middle school was almost over on the first episode, it wouldn't make sense to suddenly enroll you. You'll also be given... 1,000,000 yen. A lot of money but theres five of you and you'll need it."

"While here, you'll have to complete a series of tasks to move on. If you miss ten tasks, you'll have to restart the whole series. To access your task list, press the middle button on these watches. You'll be taking the places of Mineta, Satou, kouta, Ojiro, and Hagakure." Isaki continued. "It took a lot of debating so you better make it worth it. Oh! We should probably give you your quirks too."

She handed us a clip board, and watches in all our colors. We put the watches on and read the board over.

"We'll also give Kim and Betty a weapon since their quirks don't give much defense." Isaki said giving Kim a jewled dagger and Betty a small heart axe. "The rest can make your own weapons."

"I'm a witch." Wenny said. "I can summon a broom stick, summon a spell book by opening by hands like a book, and make potions from my hands. I also can dip arrows into potions to make them magical like in Minecraft."

"I can summon Rainbow ribbons from my hands." Betty read. "I could do it infinitely unless I grab them. If there's moisture in the air, they work better and if they touch the ground, they dissolve."

"Don't say that word." I shivered. "I hate that word."


"Yes. Anyway, my quirk is sabotage. I can shoot blue beams of negitive energy and make bad things happen. Unfortunately, I can be quite unlucky."

"I've got glare!" Kim said. "If I look someone in the eye, they're blinded for however long I want them to be. If I don't specify, how long it is is random. I could blind someone forever if I want."

"My quirk is Beast." Allen said. "I can summon a massive hammer like in flee the facility. It stuns people for 15 seconds."

"Any abilities?" I asked.

"I have all the flee the facility perks, but modified to fit this world." Allen explained. "I can stalk my opponents for a minute to get a strength boost. When I beat an opponent, other people 30 feet away are revealed to me. I can also get a notification on my watch when dangers near. Depending how bad it is, my terror radius goes to zero. Plus, the normal speed up."

Isaki smiled. "Try not to change the timeline too much. The world will bend to what you make of it but let's make sure that the regular series progresses somewhat normal. You can make up Canadian heroes and villains but try not to change Japan's heroes."

"So we can make our own Canadian heroes." I asked.

"Exactly. You can also make up your own past." Twinkie said. "Wanna be related to pro heroes? Here's your chance."

We nodded and the two in front of us smiled. Then, someone spoke.

"Who are you?" They said

The looked completely sleep deprived and wore some scarf. They had an all black outfit and long hair.

"I thought you froze time!" Isaki whispered.

"I thought you did!" Twinkie replied.

Isaki sighed and looked at the man. "Listen. I don't feel like explaining everything to you so bear with me."

Isaki tapped his forehead and he blinked a couple times. He looked at us and then at the two. His expression went from surprise to dread.

"So I have to make sure those five don't die after being transported to another dimension?" He said.

"Precisely." Isaki said. "It's a lot at once I know. Just try to keep them safe. Be their All might to Deku."

"I don't know what that means and I don't care."

"Fair enough. Now, carry out your tasks. Don't die. Don't change the timeline too much. Bye!"

Isaki and Twinkie then disappeared.

"Alright. We've got work to do." He said. "You can call me Aizawa or Eraserhead. Isaki wants me to look after you five throughout your journey through this world."

"Wait you know all that through a tap on the forehead?" I asked.

"That tap had a lot of info. It even told me about how my world is some anime people are obsessed with."

"Isn't that depressing?" Wenny asked.

"Not really. Now, Isaki planned on skipping the first few episodes since Midoriya is finishing middle school already. But since I know of your secret, she had a change of plans."

"And what'll that be?" Betty said curiously.

"Over the time Deku is training with All Might, I'll be teaching you five the history of quirks and enough of the basics of activating it so you can get into the practical exam and pass."

We nodded as we kept left the alley.

"So what now?" Wenny asked. "Cause we gotta witness the sludge attack to do our first task. I think we skipped to episode 2, what it takes to be a hero."

"When's the attack?" Kim asked.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and smoke was in the air.

"Now! Let's go!" Wenny said.

We ran towards the damage where the sludge monster attacked. What ever it said was inaudible and we couldn't understand, but it had some children stuck in the goop it was made of.

"In the next few seconds, Deku's gonna run in to help." Wenny said. "Someone get your phone ready. We need a photo for it to count."

Kim pulled out her phone as a green haired kid in uniform raced into the scene.

"Got it!" Kim said. "Do we need to stay here?"

"We'll miss a d*mn good show." Wenny said. "But we're fine. Let's catch up with Aizawa. He's probably by the alley sleeping."

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