Tricks and trial(C7)

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💙Funneh/Kat pov💙

More students came in until the class was full.

"Hey Kat." Uraraka said sitting down.

"What's up?" I responded saluting.

The off brand candy cane sat down as well though he said nothing. As a joke, I shot a small bit of bad luck to Uraraka. Suddenly, her desk started floating and notebooks were pouring out.

"Huh?" She said. "My quirk just activated!"

I stifled a laugh. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure. My quirk just activated and now my desk is in the air. I'm worried if I release it, the desk will break."

"Betty! Your ribbons could be useful right now." I yelled across the room.

"I know you used your quirk, Kat." Betty said unamused. "Apologize and I'll help."

Uraraka turned to me as I died of laughter.

"Hey!" She said

"I'm sorry." I breathed. "I'm sorry!"

I turned down the radius and Betty got the desk down.

"Release!" Uraraka said pressing her figures together.

The desk stopped floating as Aizawa... slithered in.

"Afternoon." He said inside a sleeping bag. "Get your P.E clothes on and get to the field."

He just slithered out again so everyone in class got up to leave.

"Where's the field?" I wondered.

"Just follow the crowd." Wenny whispered.

My siblings and I ended up at the back of the group since we weren't really sure where we were going. Well, Wenny was in front of us.

We made it to the field after changing clothes. I forgot how traumatizing locker rooms were, but we dealt with it. Outside, Aizawa wasn't in a sleeping bag anymore. He was standing and had a bored and sleep deprived face.

"I was hired to teach the heroes of tomorrow." He said. "But from what I've seen, none of you are fit to be heroes. None of you."

At the second one, he glared at Uraraka and I. Was that for the incident.

"So, we'll be doing a quirk apprehension test to prove you belong in this class." He said. "The loser will be expelled."

A few gasps were let out. Truly, I could care less but everyone else did so I gasped.

"You'll be allowed to use your quirks to your advantage. First, we'll be doing a fifty meter dash. Everyone line up there."

We lined up on one side of the field and Aizawa stood at the other.

"You'll run against the person on your left." He said.

I looked to my left. Kim. Fun.

"Ready to fight me?" Kim said.

"We're not fighting but sure." I laughed.

I didnt pay attention to the races in front of us. My siblings and I were at the back so we'd be going last. Wenny however, was going against a girl with green hair tied at the back. I remember her name from attendance. Asui, but she preferred Tsu.

Finally, it was Wenny against Tsu.

"Wish me luck." Wenny said standing up.

"Go Wenny!" I yelled.

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