Think Plus Ultra (C3)

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Revisit the introduction chapter for new info I added! - Isaki

💜Lunar/Wenny pov💜

Aizawa often came over to our apartment for 'private tutoring.' In reality, we were learning everything about quirks and the heroes of Japan. Not to mention, Japanese.

"Not everyone in Japan will know English." Aizawa said. "So we'll learn some basics."

"I actually know a bit." I said. "I watched the anime both dubbed and subtitles."

"Wow Wenny. Flex why don't you?" Kat said.

"Pay attention." Aizawa said. "All this info will be necessary to make it through this world."

We nodded and went back to work. Though, I could hear Kat and Allen whispering behind me.

"Psst! Allen!" Kat whispered. "What's the answer to number 3?"

"What was the first quirk? I don't remember." Allen responded.


"A child was born completely made of light." I said not letting her finish.


While Deku trained his body, we trained our minds. Throughout those 10 months, we worked hard. Then, it was exam time.

"Kathrine, how much of the population are quirkless?" Aizawa asked.

"20%!" Kat responded.

"Good. Betty, what was the first quirk?"

"A child was born and made of light."

"Wenny, is it possible to have more than one quirk?"

"Unlikely but possible."
(That might not be true but it's my story :>)

"Allen, how many people did All Might save during his debut?"

"More than 100!"
(Again. Might not be true. My story :>)

Aizawa applauded us. "I think you guys are ready. You know how to activate your quirks, you know what quirks are. I'd test you physically but the entry exam should do that for me. I do have to decide who's going in my class, so I'll be watching."

"Don't worry! We've got this." Betty said.

"Do we?" Kim asked.

"Sure! We'll be Plus Ultra!"

"We'll go beyond plus ultra." I corrected.

"Alright guys, Krew on three." Kat said. "One! Two! Three!"


We changed out of our comfortable clothes into something more sporty and left with Aizawa. I wore a purple short sleeve with stretch leggings. The rest wore something similar. I was nervous since there was a chance we'd fail this task.

"You guys think we'll make it?" I asked my siblings.

"I believe we will." Betty said. "We learned a lot for ten months you know? I know it'll pay off."

Leave it to Betty to be positive. She's positivity reincarnated.

"I think we'll do fine." Kat said. "Plus, Aizaza's supposed to help us finish tasks. And one task is for all of us to get into class 1-A."

"True. Maybe there is nothing to worry about." I said.

Oof. Short chapter huh? I'll update tomorrow since this ones filler.

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